9 week old Rhode Island Red cockerel in Adkins, TX (near San Antonio) in need of a good home. Please read desc.


8 Years
Nov 25, 2014
some place in Texas.
We are currently dealing with a sticktight flea infestation! I am treating my flock for it but please know that there are bound to be a few fleas that come with this little guy! I seriously hate to try to give away chickens with fleas--like, this is a last resort--but I have to do something about my roos now for the sake of my hens. We have a bad rooster problem alongside this and as much as I love them I can't afford to have so many. This little guy was supposed to be a pullet when we bought him, but luck is not on my side:idunnosame thing has happened now 3 years in a row.

If you're willing to take him please be sure you separate and treat him before introducing him to any other birds.

This little guy is Raz. Rhode Island Red, 9 weeks old, sweet little guy. He's okay with being held and pet and is very friendly. Never given away chickens online before so if you're interested reply here and I'll shoot you a message as soon as I can so we can talk it out. Thank you:)


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