9 weeks old buff orpington - pullet?

That's a pretty large comb and wattles for a 9 week old Buff Orpington and it looks like it's beginning to redden up, so I'm thinking cockerel on this one. :eek:(
I bought it as a pullet 2 weeks ago. only the wattles are red, comb is very pale (pics are not good). but the tail is funny - looks like the crest of polish chicken - the feathers are going in the circle. and a few feathers on the neck are up, look untidy - you can see it on the last pic.

I saw a hen with the same type of tail at the breeder but the pics I saw when I googled buff orpington are different.
sort of like this?

the black one is BCM cockerel almost the same age. his comb is much bigger and redder,

I am not familiar with orpingtons.

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