A “Premie” Chick??


11 Years
Oct 4, 2012
Huntsville Texas
i bought 7 fertile Serama eggs from a breeder. She gathered them all that morning and gave me an extra because that’s what she ended up with.

All went in the ‘bator the same day. Day 21 is Friday.

I candled them before lockdown. 7 looked good. Locked down on Day 18.

Yesterday morning one hatched out!! Looks fine, very lively. None of the other eggs are even cheeping or pipped. I’m fixing to remove it to the brooder since it’s pecking on everything in the ‘bator now.

Is it common to have a premie??
I had Seramas hatch on day 19. A lot of places say that's when they should hatch - other places say day 21, and the overall experience I've seen in hatchers is split between the two. I've also had some hatch on day 21. I'd say anything between day 19 and day 21 is pretty much normal for Seramas.

1st batch of Serama eggs; all hatched on day 19.
2nd batch of Serama eggs, from a different breeder; all hatched on day 20-21.
I don't know if it's common to have one hatch early, but my Dutch Bantams have been known to hatch on day 18 & day 19 (sometimes with one chick hatching earlier than the rest).

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