A big QUACK! from Indiana. ouo


9 Years
Jul 11, 2011
Hey there!

I may be new to this forum (obviously not to post editors though, heh...), but I've been around poultry since I can remember. I love Brown Chinese geese from afar (already have an established goose flock, don't want to rock the boat), and love most bantam anything to a fault. <3

Right now, I'm completely obsessed with Call Ducks, which is part of the reason I joined.
To browse Call images. Call stories. Places to buy Calls... you get the idea.

Anyway, I can't wait to get started, and can't wait to get to know all you guys!
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Welcome to Backyard chickens. I know duckling are adorable but, that's the limit of my knowledge. If you go to "Other Backyard Poultry," forum you will find threads regarding ducks, geese, guineas, quail etc. The duck folk should be able to help you much more than I could.
Hey there, and thank-you!

I've had some little Call crosses for a couple of years now (you know, warm-up round, lol),
but I'd still consider myself a beginner, especially where Calls are concerned.

I'm always learning new things; usually about the time I think I have something "mastered", something comes along to blow my whole perception of fowl right out of the water.

I'll have to head on over there and check it out; I'm hoping to add some SQ Calls to my growing duck swarm sometime next year, so maybe they can help me be as prepared as possible for them once they get here. <3
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