A bird haunting...not for faint of heart..

I've never been a fan or followed the zombie genre. I think it's dumb IMHO.

This bird here does not seem 1/2 rotten.

It is a bit more of a satanic derivation. Hell raiser comes to mind. I think of that pinhead guy.
BC, my kids are gamers. One game that they even got me playing is Minecraft. Like the other mobs in the game, Minecraft zombies are attracted to the players, but they bang on doors and can even beat them down when they find you - am I the only one who sees similarities?
Good idea on the rent a cat business!!! Have you seen the rent a coop and chickens deal for those who want to try chicken keeping but not fully commit? Excellent business model!

I could use a cat to help me with the coop mice, squirrels and chippies for about the next 5-6 months. But then I'd gladly return to the rent a cat place.
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Oh bunny lady my kids play that game too. Lol. But I'm the only one left on the planet I think who doesn't see the fascination. Old bitty that am! Hahaha.

I used to play it but it got boring to me. Now I'm to busy doing stuff with my poultry to game. But that's a good thing.
Good idea on the rent a cat business!!! Have you seen the rent a coop and chickens deal for those who want to try chicken keeping but not fully commit? Excellent business model!

I could use a car to help me with the coop mice, squirrels and chip pies for about the next 3 months. But then I'd gladly return to the rent a cat place.

I have seen the rent a hen ad on craigslist!! You should get a cat and keep it!! Cats r so sweet. When we first got them there were mice all over. I haven't seen a mouse since.

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