A bird haunting...not for faint of heart..

Oh! I know.
. I learned some of it right here on this thread.....
My Mom had the same problem with a male cardinal about 15 years back. Not long after my Dad passed away, my Mom kept hearing something banging on her bedroom windows in the morning. She was frightened of course. One day she got brave enough to peek out the window to see what it was, and found a male cardinal on the Rhododendron outside he window. He then proceded to launch himself against the glass. Over, and over, and over..... She would go into the family room. He would bang on that window. She would use the bathroom, he would bang on that window. We thought that maybe he was seeing his reflection and was thinking that he was challenging another male, but we went outside all of the windows and didn't really see a clear reflection of ourselves and figured that just wasn't a plausable idea. This went on for months. She was so frustrated that she asked my husband to come up with a gun to shoot it. Which was impossible, of course, because of the proximity of the neighbors. So the avian harassment continued for several years. Day, after day. Until one day it just stopped. We use to tell her that maybe it was "Dad", just checking up on her. Which made her roll her eyes and laugh. Not long ago, she told us that another cardinal had taken up the harassment. It didn't go on for as long though, I think just a few months.

If you believe in that sort of thing..some believe that it is possible for those that have passed to send us signs that the ones that we have loved are always with us. Keeping an eye on us.

I fell into a bad depression when my Dad passed on. I cried every day for months, Finally one day I sat down on my bed and said "Dad, I miss you terribly and I am so sad that you are gone, but I can't be this sad anymore." (I had a new baby to care for)" I need to let go." Later that day I went outside to hang up some laundry. As I was walking along the house to the clothesline I happened to glance up at the roof of the house. Righ on the edge of the roof, right next to where I was standing at that time, was a snow white dove. I stood there and looked at it for a few seconds, and then it flew away. Now, you can say that it was a coincidence. That it was some white colored pidgeon that just happened to be on my roof on that day that I talked to my Dad, at that exact moment that I was walking outside. But to me, it was a sign from my Dad. That he heard what I said. That it was okay to let go. My depression ended that day.

So...I say...embrace the window banger. Maybe it is sent by someone that loves you. Send him some love. Maybe he will go away on his own.

In all seriousness, we have thought about these things too. We just moved into this house when these things started. It is the house I grew up in, my wife and I bought the farm from my siblings and we remodeled the old farm house. And I mean OLD!! First portion was about 1890.

We had only lived in this house a couple months when the chickadee arrived. My Dad passed several years ago, but sometimes I feel him when I walk around here. Or it is a type of de'ja'vu that hits me, because Dad was in all these buildings.

About my yacht. I have been reading up on yachts, most of them do not have cement ponds. I would think bull frogs in the spa would be a nice touch though.

If the winnings are 500 million. I will get about 14 bucks if I win then. The feds will take a cut, then Minnesota will take a huge cut, a couple times. Our state does not like to miss out on any money ever.

Hopefully, there will be enough left for a nice size canoe though.
In all seriousness, we have thought about these things too. We just moved into this house when these things started. It is the house I grew up in, my wife and I bought the farm from my siblings and we remodeled the old farm house. And I mean OLD!! First portion was about 1890.

We had only lived in this house a couple months when the chickadee arrived. My Dad passed several years ago, but sometimes I feel him when I walk around here. Or it is a type of de'ja'vu that hits me, because Dad was in all these buildings.

About my yacht. I have been reading up on yachts, most of them do not have cement ponds. I would think bull frogs in the spa would be a nice touch though.

If the winnings are 500 million. I will get about 14 bucks if I win then. The feds will take a cut, then Minnesota will take a huge cut, a couple times. Our state does not like to miss out on any money ever.

Hopefully, there will be enough left for a nice size canoe though.

Sorry, I'm tech challenged. I wanted to reply to each section of your post, but am too challenged to figure it out.

First... I am sorry for your loss. It's great though that you can go back to your roots and live in your family homestead. As for the Chickadee... It sounds like your Dad wants to change some of your renovations. He sent the Chickadee to give you instructions. You just need to learn chickadee.

Second...If it's a big enough yacht, anything is possible, even a cement pond.

Third....14 bucks sounds a bit steep. Uncle Sam is poor. He'll need a little more.

And...Fourth....If you can find a decent canoe for 14 bucks, let me know where. We could use another.

Nice to meet you DR. You're really funny!
Glad to meet you too.

Though I may not be here long. I have just written my first Chicken breed review. I reviewed my Creamettes (some people call them Cream Legbars). I have applied for Secret service protection. I am afraid some of the CLB fans will not be happy with my review. The only birds I like less are the evil chickadees....

So if you see me laying by the edge of the road with a pile of fist size rocks around me and fist size rock bruises on my body, Dial 911.. Thanks..
hi enola..

you might be a little full of it enola, but duluthralphie has got you beat by a mile. think professional.

Nice to meet you Bert,,

Do you see my Avatar?

That is Bert, my CX rooster. I named him after my uncle not you, so don't let his name go to your head....

Oh, He died. But I have his son Bert Jr.

He use to be white like Bert, until the chickadee chased him..

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