A Black Snake ATE my Lola!!!!


10 Years
May 28, 2009
North Carolina
and I KILLED it!!! YES I DID!!

I am not one to kill but when my husband pulled that snake out of their house... AND it had to die!!! He should of never messed with my Lola.

She was a precious, very tame 8/9 week old ancona call duck... who loved her peas
I only have a baby pic I haven't taken any since they started feathering (she is the one in the middle)

I will miss her everyday!
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thanks everyone - I am so sad!!!

this is also the first predator attack in my 2x years of raising chickens... and then ducks were added just 8/9 weeks ago.. I had Lola but am blessed to still have Rory & Captain.. and I have some more eggs in the bator.. But they want replace Lola.
So so sorry for your loss. BUt I have to say, I was happy to hear you killed the snake. I'm not a fan of killing either, but this a clear case of defending your family.
olf, I am so sorry to hear you lost Lola, I leave blk snakes alone unless they are a threat to the chickens and ducks, Hopefully they are dining on the mice and rats and will continue to leave everyone else alone. again so sorry

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