A bloody long month on the farm...


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10
Starting to feel like I need a holiday!
2 weeks ago I realized my 2 roos were never going to get along, and the hens couldn't take them both, so I processed one.
The same week I had a 2 year old hen go broody for the first time. I gave her some eggs, solved the nest-sharing dilemma and got her moved to her own little broody kingdom.
Today I decided my little one year old hen had to be seperated from the flock due to continued overbreeding and a serious limp that has been getting worse over the past 2 days.
I now have 2 hens in confinement, a rooster who is furious at me for making his favorite girlfriend screech like that, one hen who is consistently laying softshelled eggs (I am now doing everything but shoving oyster shells down their throats), and 6 other hens who are giving me 2 eggs a day.


It isn't hot here, as I am in the Pacific Northwest, and on the coast to boot, so I don't really know why the egg production has been so low (but I guess all the commotion might have something to do with it).

It's funny how we can go months without a single glitch, and then, suddenly, all hell breaks loose. When it rains it pours, I guess.
Maybe I just need a hug from folks who won't think I am crazy when I recount these tales of woe.
Thanks for listening!
Hopefully all the bad is over with, and nothing but goodness here on out!! Hate crazy hectic times like that :/
Hope it gets better for you.I get an egg a day from of all hens my sick one in the garage playpen.I had to buy eggs.The hawk attacks daily and my rooster crows constantly.What a worry they all are,but I sure would miss them.
Hope it gets better for you.I get an egg a day from of all hens my sick one in the garage playpen.I had to buy eggs.The hawk attacks daily and my rooster crows constantly.What a worry they all are,but I sure would miss them.
Ok, now I feel like a total whiner.

I am so sorry hawks attack every day! That must be incredibly stressful for both you and the ladies! No wonder you have to buy eggs.
I will remember to count my blessings.

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