A Boy Named Sue: Naked Neck Rooster

Lucie Blume

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 14, 2011
Santa Cruz
We purchased two naked neck birds from our local feed and seed. They were sold as sexed, but as Susan grew, it became apparent we had a rooster on our hands. A large bodied, huge, amorous rooster. He has a great temperament, is handsome (though I do not know breed standards),

Basically he's a great guy. We just have too many roos, a few other large ones. I don't want them to begin fighting. I find roosters don't unlearn that aggressive behavior once it is awakened.

I'm sure Sue would do well with his own large bodied flock of hens, or at least enough hens to share with another roo. Right now he practically smothers our legbars and silkies etc.(though he isn't rough with them.).

He's easy to carry under your arm. He'd do a great job sheparding his own flock.

Let me know if you're interested. I will send you some pics. I'm willing to drive a bit to meet up. We're in the Santa Cruz area of California.

Thanks for reading this long winded ad :)

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