A Broody Hen Hurts Its Baby


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007
My broody hen hurts its baby,when she scratches the soil she also:smacksratches its baby.The cute chick:jumpyis also so thin baby always falling onto the ground,the chick is so poor:oops:,I tried to get the chick but broody hen:cd almost peck me:mad:.So what should I do?
First off, if you want to take the chick, don't take no for an answer. Second, I know it hurts to see them "mistreated" but the little one has to learn somehow. Do what you think is best for all concerned.
The animal kingdom is not like most of the human kingdom. Lessons are learned quickly. As long as there is no injury I would say it sounds like she's doing normal mama stuff.

Think of a mama dog and how she scolds her pup with a good pinch and makes it yelp. While I think that was mean of her, she is teaching her pup proper behavior and order.

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