A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

So what’s the best way to deal with poults, since I’ll be getting sixteen of them on May 11? :yesss: Not sure I can tell the girls from the boys until they get their breast feathers... I didn’t bother my chicken chicks much because I’d always been told too much handling would hurt them... but now they’re big, it’s really tricky to catch them. On the plus side, at least I haven’t conditioned them to ignore dark presences soaring above them...

I’m not interested in having huge toms thinking I’m part of the flock, but I would like to be able to catch the birds when I need to, without using a casting net.

Pssst. Look at this... she thinks she will tell the boys from the girls when they get breast feathers...:gig:lau:lau

Should we tell her of all the turkeys that are 9 months old and we still don’t know or not?
They’ve been side by side for at least 2.5 months now. The poult and the rest of the flock, that is.

I have one b of a hen that is the boss and the tom got between her and the poult a few times when she was investigating by running it around in circles (before it was too dark and they all went to roost). Sooo we’ll see. Hopefully goes ok. But like I say, bird world is a cruel one and there’s no guarantees.
My two goofy hens adopted a couple of Speckled Sussex chicks last year. The chicken hens wanted nothing to do with them. The turkey hens followed them them everywhere. I had them in their own pen trying to get the rest of the flock used to seeing them. Those silly turkeys would stand at the pen & stare at them. The SS still hang out with the turkey hens more than the chicken hens. Found Daisy all spread out sunbathing a few days ago with a SS sprawled out on either side of her. I like R2elks method of introducing poults. Simply see if the hen will adopt them. Make good sense to me.
That's how I introduce pulled to a hen too, just see if she wants them. I think it's different with turkeys than with chickens. Usually though, it's Pebbles, being too stubborn to leave the nest. Speaking of which, she's still broody...... She's getting whatever boys hatch from these Oliver ever eggs over the next few days. She can raise them lol
When bonding a chick/poult to a turkey hen just be aware the turkey hens can turn into crazy murderous creatures that want to simply rip your face off when they have little ones.

Some can be laid back and not mind you with their young, others will run 100 yards towards you, hit you in the leg and act like a goose!
When bonding a chick/poult to a turkey hen just be aware the turkey hens can turn into crazy murderous creatures that want to simply rip your face off when they have little ones.

Some can be laid back and not mind you with their young, others will run 100 yards towards you, hit you in the leg and act like a goose!

Lol, you always have insane broodies! Mine all could care less what I do with them or their babies as long as I let them have some lol
Geez...its 70 down here. Storms inbound. Weird weather. Even for here. Hope it doesn't get too bad.

It's about 30 here. The ground is frozen and I'm getting sick :/ Woke up this morning with a headache, sore throat, and a cough. Thankfully not too bad though. I plan on drinking some coffee and staying inside today.
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