A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Ralphie, Blackie thought you were trying to kill Penguin and wanted to help. Pack mental. :D. That sounds like quite the tussle! You could have used the opportunity to sit with Penguin in your lap & bond....:lau

Fiesty...what do you have under your broody?

Wonder if Chaos has set anything yet....

Under the broody - Well my baby roo seems to be doing his job, so I thought I'd set some of the eggs from my girls for the first run. My roo came from an olive egger and that's all I know about him. The ladies are buff orp, barred rock, blue cochin and one EE - so I gave her a variety :) Hopefully she'll hatch at least one of something so she can go back to being a chicken instead of the "monster under the nest boxes" :p
I wonder if I could breed a pure red turkey like a Bourbon red but with the black lacing coloring of a Royal Palm.
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Where can I find a turkey harness?

I would assume harness broke turkeys are more expensive like harness broken horses.

Drive 2 hours and 30 minutes west towards Detroit lakes and you can have one... But we would have to trade!!! Tee hee hee. Maybe a blue slate hen?? LOL That is a bad trade...
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That would be a beautiful bird! I'd want one

Well... I might have a project. But to make an official breed 5 different people would have to breed them for 5 years and then the big people in charge would decide if it would be admitted into the big list of breeds!!
Well... I might have a project. But to make an official breed 5 different people would have to breed them for 5 years and then the big people in charge would decide if it would be admitted into the big list of breeds!!

Why would that matter? I am breeding for looks, I do not care if they are "official", And I bet my culls will taste just like turkey too..

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