A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I went out with the intentions of taking the 4 remaining poults from the Blue hen, I did not.

As I approached the pen, three Poults were on top of the barrel (lying on its side) she incubated the in. The 4th poult was on the back of the hen right where her back and neck meet, the hen was standing up as was the poult. The hen was being so careful in her moves and I know I became a blubbering softy as I watched the Mother/poult interaction and decided he was a good mother after all....And the worst part is, my phone was in the house so no pictures......
Just spent an hour on Porters website. Sigh....

Man I need to stay away from there!

If I ever need any turkeys I could just drive down the road and get what I need I don't have to have them shipped. I can do the same with Lancaster fancy fowl but anyways I can't wait to start breeding my narragessett turkeys and I need to find another tom and get the new chicken coop built. And then I also need to start breeding the silkies and get some eggs sold. I will also consider doing chick orders to people inside the state of PA.
I am only selling chicks to people in the state cause I think it's cruel to ship live animals like that half way across the country especially when some people try to do it in 70+ degrees in the back of a ups truck or something traveling without food and water going over 6+ hours I don't ever want to ship any living thing that far.

Well I got pics of Mr. T yesterday. No good ones though... I would get pics of his hen but she is currently broody and trying to hatch some straw. Should be interesting looking babies... LOL I have six broodies in the coop right now!! Not counting the one who has the oldest chicks... Ugh! And get this! I have another Black Australorp hen who is starting to make broody clucks... BAHHH!!
Tried integrating my new tom.

Didn't go so well. My existing toms would split sneak up and gang attack him. If i stayed in the pen he stayed on 1 side thet left him alone. I would start to leave the attack was on.

Usually integration goes better.

So I put him back in solitary pen. But I ran a couple of non broody hens (chocolates) in with him. Kinda made his day.

I will try again in a few days if weather cools some. Kinda hot for that activity today.

Tried to break my 3 broodies. Get them outta nests checked their eggs. Only 6 good rest nasty. Pitched them and a couple sounded like a 22 went off when they hit ground.

Closed off the pen. They stayed out most of day. But 2 are now in a different nest setting on nothing. The closest hatching eggs I have are guinea due in a week. They are stubborn.

The royal palm that hatched a couple of days ago got into the big pen. The Bourbons I took the poults from were out. And it looked like that little poult had a secret service detail nothing got within 10 feet of it or the fluff up chase was on. From the bourbons. I got him caught and back to mom all was well.

Ralph: glad your hen is turning out to be a good mom. It's cute when they give them rides like that.

Feisty: at least big Bird showed what a nice turkey is like to your parents. Coco sounds like she is in pure evil stage. She needs some little ones to quell that meaness.
Well I got pics of Mr. T yesterday. No good ones though... I would get pics of his hen but she is currently broody and trying to hatch some straw. Should be interesting looking babies... LOL I have six broodies in the coop right now!! Not counting the one who has the oldest chicks... Ugh! And get this! I have another Black Australorp hen who is starting to make broody clucks... BAHHH!!
Mr. T still good looking as ever. Is that a double beard he is sporting? That broody virus is bad this year. If those straw babies hatch I need pics of those.

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