A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Hopefully. She kept getting up and laying back down and crying this evening. I think she's worked up, knowing it's bedtime but she's not with her flock. Makes me feel bad for her :( her foot is still very swollen but she's not falling over when she puts weight on it now. She's being cautious with it too though.

Working on making her a lap turkey. I think she's very lonely. She's resting comfortably on my lap, drifting in and out of sleep. She's a little less afraid but still extremely jumpy.
Heck, while shes in rehab, might as well turn her into a lapper! :D I'm a firm believer that most turkeys can become tolorants, if not lappers. My two hens are good examples.

Actually she looks pretty content as a lapper.
JRNash I live in North Western New Mexico. Aurora, if you have the inclination I can give you the contact information for a guy who sells acupuncture lasers that help with healing and several other things. They can be expensive but are worth it in the long run. I got one finally and have even used it on my Pullet that had a swollen knee, he's almost completely healed now
I had my last turkey hatch for the year yesterday and today. I am excited about this hatch. I have a true Calico hatch! JJ did not fail me. I have every color I could want from him. I will get pictures in a day or two, I am off for an overnight Grandpa Daycare session.

Coffee has 4 Porter Babies and 2 are lookalikes, I am actually amazed any of her eggs hatched. She has a couple more that could hatch yet. I moved them from the hatcher to the neo-natal unit along with mine. Not being overly smart I put fingernail polish on mine, (about a dozen, instead of putting it on her four...duh...

I have a last hatch of CLB's (white sports with luck) hatching in the next couple days, Guineas next weekend and I am pulling the plug on the 1202's! Then I can concentrate on getting ready for next seasons breeding and hatching. I am building new breeding pens and hoping they work out as planned.

I had a guy call and want guinea keets the other day He wanted between 30-60, I said I had them. He asked how much and I told him 6 bucks each but if you take all 60 I will drop it to 5.... His response was " I never pay more than $3 for keets"....

I am guessing he does not own any guineas, I have never seen them go that cheap... Being the nice guy I am I wished him good luck finding them and asked if he does find them at $3 let me know and I will buy some too......

It is time for hatching to be over, I am getting tired of cheapskates. Another wanted a 3-4 month old CLB pullets, when I told her $30, She said she could get 4 month olds at $20....... So why did she call me? She knows I get $15 for day olds????????? Feed a bird for 4 months for 5 bucks???

Okay rant over,,,,Pictures soon..
So true re the cheapskates! I put straight run unsexed day old bcm chicks in the advert and get people wasting my time telling me they only want pullets and will I sell them to them at the same price when I've sexed them in a few weeks. I tell them by that time I'd I know they're pullets I'll keep them myself. I also had a local veterinarian send about 15 emails back and forth wanting an organically raised trio or quad of birds. Then when it came down to it she only would pay $35
For all 4 of them. I told her to check out the price of organic feed (it's $27 a 20 kg sack) and that wouldn't cover their feed for the last 4 1/2 months never mind them. It's extraordinary what some people expect. If they want to go buy feed store chicks at $5.50 here that's their right. But don't mess with me for 5 months and then back out at the end of it.
And people asking for 4 fertilized eggs and then expecting replacements for free when they cook them in their incubators.... grrr
Back to turkeys. I had 3 poults pop out today at 23 days - has anyone else had them that early? I know at least 1 egg was sat on by a broody turkey hen all day before I grabbed it and popped it straight in the Bator. But this early??? They are fully developed and healthy

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