A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Holm that is so funny!
CONGRATS ON THE CALICO RALPHIE!!! And now its time for a ridiculous picture of Mr. T
Ethel and her babies... The next picture shows them in their natural habitat inside my messy shed.
love Ethel and her poults! And the calico hatch.
Well if it is poult show and tell day, here is what I found under my broody hen this afternoon!
(Was expecting them Thursday.)

There is just the one out so far, but you can see a second one zipping that the poult is straddling. Still a third turkey egg under her, and one lone chicken egg, but I think the chicken one was clear when I candled them. But I let her keep it, because I didn't want her to freak out if one was missing.
Finnie, that baby is too cute!


Second Poult:

The third Poult died hatching. :(
Yolk sac not all the way absorbed. I think the mama "helped" it, because the shell was broken in half lengthwise, not how a chick zips it.

But, two out of three's not bad! Way better than the hatch rate I was getting in my incubator. Now if the mama can just teach them how to eat...
Oh heck...sorry you lost one Finnie.

I still think baby turkeys are the cutest...but Ethel's guinea babies are pretty cute too. Think she knows they aren't turkeys?
I put Queenie back out with the flock today. She was so upset and miserable in the house. Her ankle is still swollen and she is still limping a bit but at least she happy now. I think what I'm going to do is when it gets closer to bedtime, I'll put her in the pen under the roost that I used when they were all too small to be integrated. That way, she can't jump up and down onto and off of the roost. At least that should help protect her ankle a bit. Princess was very thrilled to see her when I put her back in. Those palms stick together lol
Poor Queenie...

Hopefully she will get better.

I was beat up again by a turkey hen. Sidekick has decided he likes being a mother. I have 2 hens sitting on one nest of eggs again. Last night, I saw Sidekick was in the apartment with them. Today I had about half a dozen eggs rolled out of the nest. I went and picked them up and candled them, they seemed good, surprisingly!

I then reached in and pulled Sidekick out, He fought me the whole time. This upset the hens and they came out attacking me. They left the nest before Sidekick did. I finally got sidekick out, but by then I had a hen attacking me below the knees. She was relentless, I think she hit me for a good 5 minutes while I wrassled Sidekick out of the apartment building.

At least it made it easy to put the eggs back in the nest. I crawled on my knees put the eggs back in the nest, only to get attacked by the hen again, while on my hands and knees. As I backed away she kept hitting me. Lucky for me she is a small hen.

Tonight I went out to lock up the birds and the nest has two hens on Sidekick back on it. I have no idea what to do now. I am wondering if the University has done any experimental "sexual reassignment surgery" on turkeys? I wonder if blue cross covers it?
Sidekick...what a character. I have no idea what he thinks hes doing...but keeping the girls company & baby sitting is kinda sweet
Geez Ralph! You've got some serious drama going on at your place right now lol

Queenie is sleeping in the house tonight. Putting her in the pen in the coop didn't work well. She wouldn't sit and relax and was passing and crying the entire time. At least in here, she's laying down and relaxing. I'll put her back outside again in the morning. It's going to be a pain in the butt until she heals but, gotta do what I gotta do.

I've picked which tom I'll be keeping from my mottled group. He is very friendly and affectionate. We need to come up with a name for him though. Tonight, the kids and I were sitting in the turkey pen being smothered in turkeys and he was sitting and showing off like crazy. Even Adam threatening him couldn't get him to stop for long. He would strut, then cuddle up close for some lovins, then show off some more lol. Maybe we should name him Romeo :)

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