A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Well Big Bird is down to 1 tail feather and she's looking pretty shabby. But new feathers are starting to show, and she's going to look great once they are in :). I had forgotten how dark her feathers used to be lol. It is humorous to see her like this - she's normally so particular about her appearance.

Yeah we were totally shocked to find that number of eggs all at once. Very happy to see them lay in the hen house right off. All very solid good looking eggs. Small but hopefully they will get some bigger after a bit. The only small bird we have is Silkie and a little frizzle that we aren't sure is a hen yet. So we should have 2 buff orpingtons, a LF Cochin, a BSL, and possibly the silkie laying. That would make the 5 eggs we found. Could one of them layed 2 eggs? Not sure if that is possible. Waiting anxiously today to see who is laying what eggs. Trying to keep an eye on them and who is in the coop. Other than washing I don't need to do anything besides refrigerate the eggs right
Put them in a cool dark pantry, don't wash them until you are ready to use them. You don't have to keep them in the fridge unless you wash them because then you are washing off the protective bloom.
Who is that photo bombing Big Birds glamour shot?

Feedman...where ya been??

Pop in to catch up. Was flooded in/out for a week. 11 inches of rain in 20 hours flooded everything.

Been putting in extra days at work. Doing a 2 week 12 hours a day stretch. On days off been tearing guts out of burnt house.

My birds are doing ok. Can't find an owl or 2 that has been reeking havoc on them.
Pop in to catch up. Was flooded in/out for a week. 11 inches of rain in 20 hours flooded everything.

Been putting in extra days at work. Doing a 2 week 12 hours a day stretch. On days off been tearing guts out of burnt house.

My birds are doing ok. Can't find an owl or 2 that has been reeking havoc on them.

Glad to see your still with us! Good luck on the rains!
DH and I decided to set up to peel and core our gazillion apples outside today - it was a beautiful day, and it would keep much of the mess out of the house. The birds thought this was an awesome setup - cores and seeds in the compost bucket, peels and bruises to the birds. "Peeling with poultry" went over very well :p

This was the look we got when we paused for a break.....

DH and I decided to set up to peel and core our gazillion apples outside today - it was a beautiful day, and it would keep much of the mess out of the house. The birds thought this was an awesome setup - cores and seeds in the compost bucket, peels and bruises to the birds. "Peeling with poultry" went over very well

This was the look we got when we paused for a break.....

beautiful birds!! we have 2 females and one tom reds we love them to pieces
Fiesty I'm going to agree with you about the Bourbons. Annie is always the first to investigate anything new. Including people! Daisy is more layed back & such a sweetie. They definitely have different personalities. Turkeys are just fun! Its almost no fun in the garden without them helping me. :lol:

Feedman....was wondering about your rain. Hate you had that much water. I'm glad to hear you've started demo on the old house. Bet thats a big project. Keep us posted.
My bourbons are definitely my favorite turkeys - they are so personable and curious

Fiesty I'm going to agree with you about the Bourbons. Annie is always the first to investigate anything new. Including people! Daisy is more layed back & such a sweetie. They definitely have different personalities. Turkeys are just fun! Its almost no fun in the garden without them helping me.

Feedman....was wondering about your rain. Hate you had that much water. I'm glad to hear you've started demo on the old house. Bet thats a big project. Keep us posted.

I hate to have to disagree, but there is no sweeter turkey in the world than Ethel. JJ is cool, Ethel is sweet. The rest are just company for them.

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