A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Austria89 already answered my question about the reds a while back. I have the answer bookmarked still lol because of how thorough it was, base color and pheomelanin levels affecting the shade of red. He molted, and is quite a lot darker now(tail still solid red). Apart from that, I learned the male was b/b’. My mentality is now to try and get Regal reds by breeding him to his daughter this upcoming season. If I hatch bourbon reds with nice tail coloring, that‘ll be nice, but it’s always a gamble.
Just a general information:
I'm currently updating the Phenotype & Genotype website.
I try to include also juvenile and poult plumage. In case anyone wants to contribute a picture, please feel free to contact me. All support is well appreciated. :D

That’s exciting! Poult plumage photos in particular would pair wonderfully with the adult ones. I like knowing what adult plumage looks like in poult form. Your website has a ton of photos, so I imagine it can’t exactly be easy to locate juvenile & poult photos of all of the varieties, but it’d make a wonderful end result.
Can someone help me sex this black turkey? It is a little over 4 months old, but might have stunted growth because of poor nutrition. I assume the bronze one is male, because he had poop shaped like "J".


Any ideas on the blue slate, also? From the same litter. Thanks! side.JPG
sexual dimorphism in turkeys is 45% between adult males and adult females, so a casual guess, based on size difference and the mohawk, the cute lil snood, and the delicate features, I would venture female, but unless you get more tells, I usually don't make a call until up to 6 months old. Sometimes males don't want to announce their presence when there is a dominant male around.
sexual dimorphism in turkeys is 45% between adult males and adult females, so a casual guess, based on size difference and the mohawk, the cute lil snood, and the delicate features, I would venture female, but unless you get more tells, I usually don't make a call until up to 6 months old. Sometimes males don't want to announce their presence when there is a dominant male around.
Thank you! Is it possible to tell from light tipped/dark tipped breast feathers for this variety?
You know where that came from.
I swear it wasn't me this time, probably. I mean, turkeys can roam pretty far, but the wild flock near me that definitely has some influence from me, although I havent seen the wild hens for some time since the foxes moved into the hills, but this is a wild flock of about 100 near my friend's house, they are giving my littlest riding lessons since I am not really a good teacher and my husband doesn't like how I learned to cowboy. ( my mom just turned me loose with the horses as a little kid, I learned all the basic horse manners from the horses. DH thinks that is rather unsafe.)

Ahem..... ANYHOW, this flock is I think 20 minutes away from my house? But there is a possibility that some of the birds from my area migrated. My friend has a bad habit of feeding all the wild birds, and I mean ALL wild birds, in the winter. This is why there are such huge flocks in her area.
Pretty much how I learned too. Not a bad way to learn.
I married a city guy, and although he is pretty awesome, there are a few things he has a hard time with. Leaving kids to learn from horses is one of them. We are going to get the youngest proficient enough to go into the mountains next summer, that is the goal. My mother always drags me up to the mountains for a ride every year in the summer, and my little princess wants to see them. THe other kids aren't interested in riding much. My son asked if he could walk while we rode, but that would not fly with mom.

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