A Comprehensive Study of the Stink-Eye: Illustrated!

I wish we could post videos here! I took a 1 min video of my broody salmon Faverolle. It's HILARIOUS! Especially when I pet her and she sounded like a spitting cat!
Uploaded it to youtube and link it!
I don't think a chick can strike fear into anyone's heart, but I still think this is a good stink eye from one of my little ones.

But my dog is the queen of stink eye. I never see her do it, but I catch it all the time on camera. These are two of my favorites. One after her first bath. I call her devil dog. And after she hurt her dewclaw and I had to bandage her legs.

Yet I can't stop giggling when I see those pictures. She gives great pictures. Between stink eye, surprised/shocked and her stoned looks I have quite the collection. Now I get to add my RIR to the mix as she just flat out gives me the stink eye when I visit the chicks.
Originally Posted by pdx2phx 
Originally Posted by bantam0907 
Its hard to get a silkie stink eye because half the time you cant even see their eyes! Heres Izetta Belles attempt /img/smilies/wink.png


That's the stinkiest regal stinkeye I've ever seen (well, sorta seen) /img/smilies/lol.png

I feel like she's looking at me, and that I am so far beneath her consideration that she desires to shade her eyes from me with the little cheeky pockets of floof! /img/smilies/big_smile.png

Lol i definatly know what you mean! she would always do that!

LOL I always do that then crack myself up by thinking, "Meanwhile, between the ears... Nothing is happening!"

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