A couple health issues I could use help with.


7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
Southeastern, Ohio
My dog got into my chicks enclosure while I was at an appointment and killed 4 of my month old chicks before my brother found her and got her out of my room. But now some issues follow up with one chick who made it out alive, but with a leg injury..

She doesn't have any bite marks or open wounds, but she lays on one side and doesn't use her leg unless she has to get up to eat. (I've been trying to help her out and hold her and feed her one on one so she doesn't get crowded or stepped on at feeding time.)
I haven't noticed any obvious misshapen limb or break, but she really is acting like it's broken.
I can hold her up and she will stretch out her leg, but after a few seconds she will retract it back up to her belly.

Any ideas of what I can do for her? Is it likely that she will heal all on her own? I just don't know what to do :(

issue 2.

My easter egger chick seems to have something wrong with her, but i've never seen a chicken act like her before...

She spends a lot of time laying down with her head tucked to her belly. sometimes (pretty frequently) she will act as if shes scratching her belly and move her head side to side, and start running backwards. If I pick her up like the other chicks, she has a REALLY hard time trying to balance and usually falls over.. I've recently seen her stretch her neck out, upwards, but that's a rare occasion. Usually she has her head pointed to the ground and looks side to side to look around.

I really have no idea what could be wrong with her. At first I thought she maybe got her neck stepped on, but now i'm kind of wondering if there is something mentally wrong with her.

I will post a video to this thread as soon as I can work with her a little bit.

Thanks in advance for any replies I get on this. I could really use the help!

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