A few pics from today...

I would do what Deerman said for the eggs. That way you can still see the peahens incubate the eggs but have a fallback if they end up not setting the eggs. That is what I am planning on doing this year because I really want peachicks but I also want my peahens to incubate some eggs too, so I am going to incubate the first clutches, and after that point whatever the peahens want to do they can do.
For shelter they have a 10' x 12' (or was it 12' x 14'?) shed. It's outside the pen but pushed up close to the pen. Has a hole in the side, as well as the fencing with a ramp to get in, and then sides/top around the ramp so they cannot get out into the open, and also aids in blocking the wind/snow from going into the house. It also has their feed there. There is a small "lean to" type building inside the pen (4ft x 4ft) that covers the water, and gives a small additional hiding place, and one of the BS midnight hens and the muscovy ducks enjoy roosting on that at night.. We do have ducks with them and we can't keept he water in the shed as the ducks spill it all over the floor...so this way the water is outside but covered. Just makes a pain with it freezing.

They'll spend the days inside the shed but will come out to roost on their favorite perch at night.

I guess we will grab a better incubator this year to try and hatch the first clutch, leaving the 2nd for the hens to do whatever they want with. Also hoping to expand the pen this summer with a seperator so next breeding season when my pied male is ready to breed I can seperate the midnights and the pieds, with the goal that on the off-season I can open it back up and let them all together. We'll see how that goes though.
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