A few questions from a first time chicken owner.


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 13, 2014
Round Rock, Tx
So I just got my 4 chickens on July 1st (they were a year old in May and are already laying). They have settled in nicely to our backyard home. I let them free range around our back yard, and have issues with them laying their eggs in random places OR on the coop floor rather than the provided nesting boxes. It is hot here in Texas so I haven't left them in the coop for a week or two as I've seen suggested, but I will try it when we have cooler weather. For now I have tried putting golf balls where I want them to lay, tried making the nesting boxes more private and darker, I have put a nesting box in a cooler part of the yard, away from the coop, but no success yet. I have also ordered wooden eggs to replace the golf balls and they should hopefully be arriving soon.
Today one of them found a nice cool dirt spot to lay her egg, this is the first egg she has laid for me since bringing her home (my barred Cochin), and when I retrieved the egg I replaced it with a golf ball, hoping to encourage others. Then my EE went under there and laid hers, so I did the same thing and replaced it with a golf ball. I wouldn't mind them laying there if it makes them happy, and if it's a consistent spot. Is it ok to encourage this? Or am I going to regret it? Otherwise they lay either randomly in the open or in some other super tall grass alongside the house. Or just on the coop floor. Weirdo chickens. Lol

I have other questions about them too. So my Orpington seems to be Queen Bee of the flock. She runs my poor EE and Cochin off whenever they're eating something. It's getting a bit better as time goes on and I try to discourage it when I'm around and she's being a little ridiculous about it. The EE is the bottom of the totem pole. And when she lays an egg the other girls hover around her just waiting to peck it. They don't do this when any of the other lay. She hasn't laid any rubber eggs with me (though my Brahma did shortly after I brought her home), so I'm not certain why they are so eager for her to lay and want to peck at her egg.... Is it simply because she is the least dominant? Or do my chickens have some odd hatered for weird blue alien eggs??? (lol! Kidding) Or are they just evil egg eating chickens? And if that's the case, why just hers?? They have left everyone else's alone..

And ANOTHER question. My Cochin laid her first egg for me today, but it was rather small. Is this normal? Perhaps due to it being a while since she laid, the stress, heat, and such? I'm hoping they'll get bigger. It's the darker brown in the middle. Kind of an odd shape too, I think.

Ok now LAST question (for now ;p ), my Brahma has been laying eggs every couple days it seems. The first egg she laid was a soft shelled egg. She strained and worried for a while before finally expelling it (it was whole), but the last egg I saw her lay she struggled with it too. It was a normal sized, hard shelled, perfectly formed egg. But she strained just as she did with the other one. She had a dirty bottom from when I brought her home (she sat in her poop), and I cleaned a day after the soft shell incident. But still strained and made a fuss beforehand with the normal egg a day later. So I checked her bum again and everything looked normal. I didn't want to harass her too much, but there wasn't anything odd going on from what I could tell. She is eating and drinking normal. She walks around fine and comes over to say hi to me every time I go out, so she seems fine... Until she lays an egg. I tried looking it up, but all I get are things about being egg bound, which she's clearly not. Thoughts?
Here is her straining.

And here is my colorful flock, just because!
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you have a great looking flock! sorry about your girl struggling with those eggs! my girls arent laying yet so i dont have any exprience with that. as for the eggs in the yard i would continue to encourage laying in the nests with the golf balls or fake eggs it may take some time as they are still adjusting to thier new home, maybe you can put the nestbox where they have been laying in the yard to also encourage laying in them. good luck and welcome to the chicken world its crazy fun and full of questions!
Beautiful Birds! From the bottom up......every egg is an effort to get out.....you can feed them some olive oil with kitchen scraps but yeah, pretty much it's an effort for them every time....make sure they have enough clean water available too....

A small first egg is normal....it's her body getting used to production....they will get bigger....

Every group of chickens will have a pecking order....it's how they roll.....nothing to be done unless it gets really ugly...the bottom on the totem pole may not always be bottom but for now....they peck at the colored egg for a variety of reasons all of which are particular to the personality of the chicken in question....discourage egg eating if you can...

You should probably encourage them to lay where you have designated....even if you have to lock them up in the area for a while....otherwise they're going to lay everywhere and you'll end up picking up an old egg one day not knowing it isn't fresh....blech.....Once they know their area they'll always go back there to lay......it doesn't matter if you put clay eggs, wood eggs or golf balls....they'll get it eventually.... Hope this helps! L
Thanks guys!! I love my girls and it's been so fun watching their personalities come out as they settle in! Not to mention all the color! I love having pretty little things running around my yard. Lol!

And yes! I am definitely discouraging egg eating. I am a stay at home mom so I pop out and check on them often. They each have their own "tells" before they're going to lay. The struggling Brahma sounds like a popcorn maker (she is now aptly named Popcorn :p), so I either sit with them for a while and end up being there when they lay, watch them from the window, or just check frequently. That way I can snatch the egg up before there's an issue.

Lol I can't even IMAGINE picking up an old egg. I would not be amused. Haha ok so no encouraging them to lay there. It's just SOOO hot right now, even in the shade. I hate to shut them in the coop. :(
And yes it does help, thank you! :)

JayJay, I bought year old chickens who were already laying, I didn't have an established flock already, and they all already knew each other, but it only took a single day before my Easter Egger started laying, the Orpington and Brahma started the 3rd day, and my Cochin JUST laid her egg today-- 9th day.
My Easter Egger is my most reliable layer so far with an egg every other day. :)
JayJay, I bought year old chickens who were already laying, I didn't have an established flock already, and they all already knew each other, but it only took a single day before my Easter Egger started laying, the Orpington and Brahma started the 3rd day, and my Cochin JUST laid her egg today-- 9th day.
My Easter Egger is my most reliable layer so far with an egg every other day. :)

Ah right cheers for this, I've recently (2 days ago) bought some hens just under a year old, still waiting on my first egg though! Fingers crossed lol!
I hung out with my ladies a lot and gave them mealworms and kale. They love me now. Lol they were also well socialized before I brought them home. :)
WIRose, I know what you mean....we don't live too far apart...it has been very HOT.....My "coop" is actually not a closed in coop but rather a roof with two ends closed in....this is where the girls roost at night and where they go when it rains....it's connected to my run so it's as cool as it can be without my adding some air conditioning....I also have it strategically placed in the corner of the yard where there is the most shade....and I've been known to drag out the hose to spray down their roof and run just to try to cool them down a bit.... You might wonder about winter temps but I've never had any chickens freeze even though we had that one 12 hour freeze this past year....They are well insulated and if I were concerned I would just throw in some extra hay for them to snuggle in....They're pretty hardy as pets go....

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