A few questions from a newbie


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Does every hen need her own nesting box? If not, how many boxes would you need for 4 hens?

We won't have roosters, but do people eat fertilized eggs?
Two nest boxes should be more than enough for four hens. Most likely they will all use the same nestbox.
Fertile eggs are fine to eat. They will not start developing unless incubated by the hens. Enjoy your chickens.
No, you don't need a nest box for each hen! I have 6 nest boxes in my coop and I'm lucky if two of them are used in a day (for 12 hens!) It's not always the same 2 boxes, either. I've opened up the coop and found 5 of my girls squished into the same box, all trying to lay an egg in the nest box du jour.

Yes, people eat fertilized eggs, no problem.
Like other posters said, my hens all like to lay in the same box: 8 hens 3 nesting boxes. They all fight over the same box. I've gone out and found 2 hens in the same box together leaving the other 2 boxes empty.
Yeah, mine do the same thing but they change their favorite box every couple of months. They're probably following the leghorn's lead since she's the only independent-minded one of the lot.
Interesting that you say that, because our leghorn, at only 2.5 weeks, is already showing the most independence of the group!

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