A few questions!

Farmin Momma

7 Years
Feb 18, 2012
Mill Creek, Wa
So I am VERY new to this turkey thing and would like some help!

I have a pair of turkeys (not sure what breed they are) one Tom and one Hen. The people I bought them from told me how old they were but of corse I forgot. The Tom does not have much of a beard, just a bit of it sprouting. He stomps his feet and shows off for the hen but the hen wont have any of it. She does not squat for him or anything. I have not seen him "get" her once in the 6 months we have had them. So my first question is this.... At what age do they sexualy mature?????

Next, I was just given another three turkeys ( but the third one is yet to be cought at the guys house, there will be two hens and one tom from him) They are doing the "deed" just fine! I am wondering how do I go about introducing the new ones to the old ones??? Do I just fallow the same guide lines as chickens? Or do I just put them together and let them duke it out? These new ones are very much bigger than the two I already had.

Lastly, I would like to have them in a coop, as the Tom I already had is one mean SOB, although the new one is nice and hand raised. How big of a coop do I need to house 4 possibly 5 turkeys, two Toms and 2-3 Hens????? I have a plan for a 10x10 but I am thinking that is just to small for them.

Please help, Thanks so much
Turkey fights tend to look more violent than chickens but it is very rare for turkeys to actually kill each other. I would slowly introduce them if nothing more than to follow good quarantine rules.

Maturity happens around 10-14 months, you may see something happen late summer or fall. You should definetly see something next spring. Turkeys can be very sneaky with mating though - mine tend to do it right before going to roost at night.

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