A few questions....


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
Weaverville NC
Hi ok first yesterday my boyfriend surprised me with a great awesome huge wooden storage building that he got for me from his work for free. I changed the building into a coop for my chickens which is great because I have a broody hen for the first time
that is sitting on 20 eggs ( can you tell I am excited) and there old home was a really big old dog house that had just enough room for the current hens and roos. Now my dilima is that 2 of the other 3 hens did not lay an egg today could this be from moveing to the new coop? Will they eventually pick one of the other 2 laying boxes to lay in? Before they all would lay in the same box which has been taken over by the broody hen I now have the broody hen and all the eggs seperate from the others because I want the other hens to lay eggs in the other boxes so I can eat them.
The way I understand this, the two hens do not have access to the broody'w nest. If I am wrong, please correct me because that changes things.

It is not unusual for hens to stop laying when they move. They need to feel comfortable in the new location. That usually does not take them long for that adjustment, though sometimes it can take weeks. Sometimes just a day or two. It just depends on the hens. I'd advise patience.

Put a fake egg, like a golf ball, in the nests you want them to lay in. That often helps show them where to lay.

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