A flock with no pecking order?

Are you really curious? Try integrating birds.
This was true for me. I wasn't sure exactly which of my remaining 6 had risen to the top (I lost 2) until I replaced the 2 I had lost with adult hens. That sure made it apparent. One of my big black sex links chased, pecked, and pulled feathers whenever she had a chance. I've since named her Queen Latifah.......Things have settled down nicely now that the new girls know their place and it would be hard to tell who is top of the order unless you had been there during the shakeup

This was true for me. I wasn't sure exactly which of my remaining 6 had risen to the top (I lost 2) until I replaced the 2 I had lost with adult hens. That sure made it apparent. One of my big black sex links chased, pecked, and pulled feathers whenever she had a chance. I've since named her Queen Latifah.......Things have settled down nicely now that the new girls know their place and it would be hard to tell who is top of the order unless you had been there during the shakeup


Sounds more like Whoopi Goldberg to me...
The other good time to watch them is when they start to roost.

Who gets set first? Does someone move another bird out of their spot? Who wanders looking for a spot where they aren't pecked at?

Out and about, my birds are tough to figure, when roosting time comes, you can see the top and bottom of the order on FULL display...

I watched them tonight as they went in to roost, and it was definitely enlightening! Usually I'm doing last minute chores as its getting dark, so I see them after they're settled and I'm locking them up for the night. It was interesting to watch them shuffle around as Vidalia decided there was no way Sassy could be next to her, Sweet Caroline hid behind Dolly to get away from Reba, and Elvira happily smashed her way between Norma Jean and Dottie, while Lucille tried to stay out of everybody's way. Lots of moving around til they all found the perfect spot.
It's the RooooooostTiiiiiimeRuuuuuuuumble!
Happens about every night here.

Yup - squabbling seems a compulsory pre-roosting activity. I have 13 birds, but sufficient space for more than twice that but it won't stop the mayhem.
My mini-flock of 8 are very peaceful @ 18 weeks. Even at roost time, there isn't much squawking, just a bit of shuffling. Out in the run, things are also very peaceful. I like to attribute much of that to the amount of space they have - 400 sq ft covered run.
Do things heat up as they get older?
I have....

Barred Rock
Lav Orpington
Buff Orpington
2 - Silkies
Things can shift a little when they all begin to lay, but i have found that to be temporary. Squabbling at roost time is nothing to be concerned about, if it does happen. Daytime space does not necessarily equate to peace at roosting time - but the more space,, the better for their well being. You seem to have that well in hand
I see a lot of threads where people talk about their flock's pecking order. I watch my chickens a lot, and I can't figure out what their pecking order is. I completely understand the concept, but I just don't see it in my flock. I see it with the ducks-my bossy Rouen is definitely in charge, she even pushes the drake around, and there's definitely a hierarchy among the ducks. But the chickens all coexist happily and except for chasing whoever found a worm, there's never squabbling. I've tried to figure out who is the dominant chicken by watching how they behave with treats, but it varies depending on what the treat is and how much they like it. Does everybody's flock have a pecking order except for mine?
Same!! I grew up with chickens and my son (20) decided to raise 7 chickens from day-old poultry. I've never seen this process because our hens took care of the chicks. I have yet to see a pecking order. At 10 weeks old they don't peck each other and have no hierarchy on the (single) roost. There are four of us that spend time in the coop regularly too. 🤷‍♀️
You must have enough space. And not knowing the pecking order is a good thing!

Another way is walk away, call to them, toss grain on the ground. 1st ones there - higher, middle group, second bunch, and the last ones are the further down.

But I agree, it is rather fluid, and changes fairly often. I think that is the healthiest flock.

Mrs K

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