A frame run design.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 8, 2012
I need some help designing a run for my a frame coop. I was using a combo of chicken wire and a tarp. I would like to build something more secure for them. It has to be removable so that when I move the coop to clean it I can take it off and move it. The coop is heavy enough with out anything attached.

Any suggestions?
I can't tell by the picture. Is the existing run permanently attached? Or is it removable?
Either way, to make what you already have more secure, I would replace that chicken wire with hardware cloth for starters. Then you might want to add a welded wire type of fencing to the base of the run. Something with big enough holes to allow the grass to come through, but not let digging critters in. However, don't go too big with those holes, because even a weasel can go through a hole that a mouse could. Check with your local hardware store to see what they carry.
Chicken wire keeps chickens in, but won't keep predators out. It is too flimsy. The hardware cloth is a bit heavier than chicken wire where you are concerned about weight, but it shouldn't add that much more. Do you have wheels on your tractor? Adding wheels can greatly improve mobility.
I would use pvc to make a continuation of the A-frame that could attach with eye hooks for easy moving. If you drill holes in the pvc it is easy to sew the hardware cloth to the pvc with wire.
My thought was pvc also because it is light and can be moved around a little more easy. I wanted to make it to match the shape of the existing coop. The one in the photo is a temp one right now. They only use it during the day and at night they go in the coop. Since I have got the coop made for them.

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