A fun question on naming your chickens.

Great Post 📯! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Our Flock grew from 2 hens (Matron and Blanche) to a maximum of 60 birds over 2 years so they don't all have names...

If they have spent time in the house, they will have a name!
Baby-Baby (original rooster who I didn't want to give a proper name to in case he had to be dinner!)
Yin & Yang ☯, Loon, Bianca, Nessie...

Otherwise named for colours / attitudes...
Silver, The Tufty McDonut sisters, Big Red, Goldie, Hoppy, Smokey...

We also have 4 cats with cool names
😻 Mao the Slinky Malink
😻 Maeve la Mignonne (cute in French) Mogwai
😻 Mael-strom le Magnifique
😻 Tabitha Twitchitt

My chicks are young still, so I don't know if these names will stick. But so far, we've got...

Some star wars names:
Darth Egger
Hen Solo
Princess Leia Egg (my youngest daughter's suggestion)

Harry Potter names (also youngest daughter's idea)

Paris (middle daughter's choice for the French Favorelles)
Ginger (youngest daughter's)

Because I think they're funny:
Mary Poopins

And these 2 have pushy personalities:
We named them pretty early on based on either their looks, their personality or a bit of both, and somehow the names definitely have stuck as they've grown.

Naked Necks:
Josephine Naker
-- pun name! She's definitely our smartest girl, always the first to figure things out and explore.
Nikki -- Our 6 year old named her, it's a cute name it and it definitely fits her sweet demeanor
Jadzia Dax -- Star Trek reference-- she has a sweet little trill and dots on her head. The trill are an alien race on Star Trek and Jadzia Dax is one of the main characters on Deep Space Nine.

Easter Eggers:
Another pun name we liked. We went with egg-related names for our easter eggers. And Eggatha is a bit stand offish and her name kinda sounds bitchy so it works lol.
Marshelline-- the egg laying queen: Named from Adventure time from Marceline the vampire queen, but we made it MarSHELLine. She's our sweetest chicken and likes to cuddle.

Black Copper Marans:
Named by our 6 year old because she has 'bell bottoms!' lol and she's absolutely beautiful.

Golden Polish:
pronounced Low- Heh. Named after the wicked queen of the land known as Pohjola in Finnish mythology and a villain of the Kalevala. We just wanted an ethereal name and she fit it.

Named by our 6 year old, and quite simply because she hops all the time.
oh goodness… I go off personality or what I think when I see them.
My current chicks are Alice, Cheshire, Biscotti, Lily, Penguin, Carrot and I’m deciding between Shark and Macaron for my other. But my hens names range from spices, to types of cooked eggs, characters from shows, and plants. Such as Wolfs Bane, Calypso (from Bluey), cinnamon, Sunny Side Up, cayenne, cilantro, Mirasol, Pepper, Garlic and so on.

Cilantro got her name because you either love her or hate her, she’s super loud but super sweet, cinnamon got her name from her coloring, penguin from her patterns, biscotti because I wanted to call him scotti, Alice and Cheshire because they bicker like Alice and Cheshire Cat
Lucky was the only one of his set of eggs to hatch. My husband, who has sworn up and down we will *NEVER* have chickens, and then said "livestock. Not pets. Do NOT get attached" suggested the name Lucky. And was do patient with him, and loved to hold him before he went to the big kid brooder outside. Also, around day 3 of him being a singleton, I told him he was Lucky I didn't shut him in a room with the pitty.

Karen is an adopted hen, one of three. Shes a Cinnamon Queen and head hen. The only hen I've seen throw a tantrum, and if I don't have treats when I go down, she tells me all about myself, then fluffs and struts off.

Little Red is the bottom of the pecking order for those three. She's a RIR, and so is the second in command. She's the smallest, both physically and how she holds herself. Yet. She lays the biggest eggs.

Chosen One is now 5 days old. She was born missing part of a toe.
My Faverolles started off being named for female pirates. When I realized half were boys, I renamed them all after characters in my favorite TV shows.

The girls were for Futurama: Lrrr of Omiconpersi 8, John Zoidberg, Nibbler, and Seymour Asses. Three of the boys were for Metalocalypse: William Murderface, Toki Wartooth, and Pickles the Drummer. I kept the one pirate name - Blackbeard.

My Silkies were sort of coordinated. The boys are Myles Davis (aka Ser Grumpy), Yeti, Ostrich, Mickey (after a deceased friend), Pigeon (because of his pigeon toes), and Sonic (because he screamed a lot as a chick.) The girls were Prudence (she was adopted with Pigeon and it sounded cute when said together), Tails (because she was besties with Sonic), and Twitch (aka Fluffyhead).

My EE is named after a video game character - Hawke from DA2.

It was really fun reading through these posts and learning how you picked you chicken names.
I’ve used all kinds of names based on color, personality, puns, etc. The best was Fugly, my Nn rooster a while ago. I have Attila, she’s pretty mean. There’s Stella, an SS with lots of white speckles. Toast is white with some black and a reddish gold tint in some places. Shadow is black, but she’s also shy and hangs out in the background. Pepper was a black Australorp, Scarlet and Ruby were RIRs.

I have a friend who has a rooster named Fonzie and his girls are LaVerne, Shirley, Pinky, Mrs. C and Shortcake lol.
I have six birbs. We ordered six females, got five ladies and one gentlemen. All of our names have funny stories.
Our two Barred Rocks and our two Black Australorps looked the same. I wanted to name one Barred Maisy, because the stripes looked like mazes, and also maize, for corn that they eat. Now we have an Australorp named Maisy, and she is so sweet.
Maisy’s sister is named Q-Tip (or Cue) for the white tip of her beak.
Lovelace (a Barred) was originally White-throat, because she looked like a sparrow. Then we changed it to Lovelace because of a goat I knew at a farm.
Lovelace’s bro, our rooster, we thought was a girl. We named her Cherry, then renamed her Charlie when he hopped on top one day.
(Our Sussex is LB, our Wyindotte is Chunker, for her fatness).
Oh this has been a fun thread to read and I figured out 2 names for chicks that weren’t named yet! (Stormy and Ash)

I usually name mine by personality, a look that sets her/him apart or a group if I can think of one that fits like Jack, Janet and Chrissy. I’ve had Laverne and Shirley and Bonnie and Clyde. Also ducks named after Criminal Minds characters.

I once named a group Charlie and his angels but there were 4 girls and I named the girls after the real actress names instead of character names. Then when they all beat up my sweet Kate (who now is called mama and lives inside with me) they became Charlie Manson and the girls were Manson family girls. Haha! I had a roo named Dahmer because he was a jerk to chickens and humans alike.
Jack and Jill
Liza and Henry
Mopsy and Flopsy
Kenzie and Deeks
Dillon, Miss Kitty and Marshall
Busey (as in Gary cuz his head feathers are crazy lol)
Gabby and Shay
Cinnamon and her baby Sugar. Nutmeg and salty have passed.
Rose, Toes, and Jose. Toes has curled toes and you have to hold the ooooo sound in Jose so they all rhyme for a moment lol.
Lucy and Sally are the last of my Peanuts gang.
Farrah, Sara, and Major
Baby Quill looked like a quail and Panga looked like a penguin at first.
Peek a boo (or Peeky) duckling likes to bob her head and “flirt” with me. She follows me like mama.
Ritz Quackers (or Ritz bits, Ritzy, bitzy)

Now I have 10 chicks and 6 quail chicks to figure out names for. Yippee!!

Most of mine are named but there are a handful that aren’t because nothing seemed to fit so I say things like.. “you know, the orange roo with Lucy” lol.
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