>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

Scar stepped away from the mangled dog, panting. She heard the shrill noise of a pup. It was Dotpup, calling out to Riptide. She suddenly realized that this dog, this coyote-killer, was Dotpup's father. That's why he killed with such savagery... Scar suddenly realized. Riptide wanted revenge. "Listen, dog," she growled softly, "even though you killed my daughter, I will not kill your daughter, Dotpup. I'm only sorry that I had to do this to you..."
Scar then walked away, looking for another battle. But this time, she wasn't out to kill.~

~Riptide could tangibly feel his strength draining onto the dirt along with his lifeblood. Attempting to rise would be stupidly pointless. The world swam before his eyes, and it was obvious that death was imminent. He hacked a ragged cough, spitting up blood in copious amounts. Hearing his name screamed by a desperate young voice gave him new strength, and Riptide inexorably turned his head to lock gazes with his daughter, hanging limply between the jaws of a black coyote. Restless with uncertainty of his beloved daughter's future, Riptide squirmed until the black wolf came into view that he needed to affirm the presence of. He was instantly put at ease. Coal would be there for Dotpup, no matter what, and he'd entrust his most beloved possession to her a hundred times over. Turning back to Dotpup, he gave a small, sad smile, communing a thousand words never to be voiced. "I love you so much," he whispered, knowing full well she'd never hear him. "I'm so proud of you for everything you've done and have yet to do." Her wide, frightened eyes held his, and it tore Riptide's heart in two to look away.
Riptide had one last task to complete before he could rest peacefully for eternity. With a sighing groan, he propped himself up on his forepaws. His mind occupying nothing but a saddened sense of pity, he stared after the coyote that had been his demise. "I'm sorry," he wheezed after his retreating opponent, his chest quivering as the last of his reserves of strength were used. "No one should have to endure the grief--"
Riptide's voice failed and he fell back to the dust, his head lolling between his clawless paws. His chest barely rippled with his last breaths.
I'm ready, Sirius. Take me to Sun.
The bloodied screams and wailing scents faded to nothingness;
Riptide was no more.~

( :th
Was so sad....
I wanna cry! :hit )

Reed didnt take his eyes off Coal, his gut twisting with hidden pity at his captive's horrified wailing. He set her down, placing one paw firmly in front of her. "Touch my daughter one more time, and i will kill you." he growled, low and menacing.
Duskypup nodded meekly at Mink, trembling lightly. Not with fear, but... Adrenaline.
Coal's eyes widened in sickening grief. She slowly turned around, and froze.
"No," she whispered.
"Not Riptide"
She knew that she couldn't go to help him. She knew she couldn't leave Dotpup. The bloody fight was too far along. By the time she looked, she knew....
"He's going to die.
And Dotpup won't have a father."
A wild rush of determination swelled up in her chest. She would make sure Dotpup had at least one dog to watch out for her.
And this mangy hound stole her.

Her gaze darkened. Her shoulders tensed and she shook with rage. With a furious snarl, she wheeled around and grabbed Brindlepup.
"Your daughter, ay?" she growled, a victorious grin spreading across her bloody face.
Shadow stood frozen.
She growled.
Her gaze was fixed on the huge wolf, tense and ready to spring at the slightest move from her against her pup.
(Oh where to go from here....)

Brindlepup hung tensly from the huge wolf dog's jaws. Bloody saliva slid down the side of her face and she flinched. She could feel her captor's pure, boiling anger. She could feel her father's hidden fear. She could feel Dotpup's horrible, sickening grief and was glad she couldn't see why.
Suddenly she was sitting on the ground again, and a huge foot was planted in front of her.
She locked eyes with Reed. He had no chance against this dog, and if she knew it, he knew it.
"Well?" Coal barked.
"Don't do it, Daddy!" Brindlepup yipped pleadingly.
"Shut up, coyote scum!" Coal snapped, kicking her sharply.
Shadow jumped forward but caught herself before she landed on top of Coal. She noticed Reed had jerked forward, too.
Reed thought, long, carefully. He didnt want Coal to discover any kinks in his plan, and he made sure to work them all out in his head before he spoke.
"Let her go, or I'll kill Dotpup" je growled determinedly. "Keep her, and I'll definitely kill her."
Coal thought before she spoke. "It does seem we've come to a draw," she murmured casually. "I could easily do the same to your precious pup, and then we'd both likely fight to the death in our rage," she stated, her mind beginning to clear for the first time that night.
Reed glanced past Coal at Shadow. The two locked eyes and Reed flicked his gaze toward where Sunrise stood. She nodded.
"SUNRISE!" Coal barked sharply, flinging Brindlepup at her and in the same motion springing at Reed.
Reed grabbed Dotpup's spine and bite down just hard enough that she squealed in pain.
Coal froze.

~Dotpup froze up, her tendons as tense as icicles. Pain laced through her spine from where the male's jaws had clamped down, barely breaking skin. Anguish engulfed her as she snuck a glance to her left; her father's opponent had gone and left him.
He's dying. If not dead already.
Horror froze her up in its cruel entirety. Her world whirled into a multitude of spinning colors, and her head lightened- a debilitating combination of grief and pain threatening to black her out. "Father," she whimpered, her eyes dull with a grief one so young never should have to endure. "Riptide. It can't be." Hot tears spilled out from the corners of her eyes and wet her face. Her stomach boiled with nauseating grief and the temptation to vomit was almost unbearable.
She let out an eerily low moan, her gaze fixed on Brindlepup, squirming behind the massive paws of Coal.
To Dotpup, Coal was her only chance, her savior.
To the innocent coyote pup, the massive black wolf was a looming threat of elimination, contained barely in her shattering jaws.
The same for the coyote that held her captive. He was a vital father to one, a lethal captor to another.
Beneath the surface of a unhesitant murderer, the pulsating protective love for his pup was as obvious as the blood that pooled from every pelt.
Dotpup fell silent.
A strand of bloodied saliva dripped down and landed on her muzzle. Dotpup shivered with abhorrence.
She didn't want Brindlepup to die because of her. No matter what the pup's father had caused, Dotpup felt no bitter loathing toward Brindlepup herself. She was the only one who could fully understand what situation held Dotpup in its lethal jaws.
Nor did she want to die.
Death had already claimed too much.
All because of her.~

~Mink spun out of the den, finally realizing what Reed intended to do. She pushed hard on her paws, not having a single intention of letting Dotpup meet a suspicion that she couldn't voice. She swerved around a many a combat lingering on deadly and skidded to a halt as the most intense face-off of all came into view. A pained squeal filtered up into the air tinged with bloodred din. "Reed!" she snarled, not taking into consideration at all the repercussions of addressing her Beta so carelessly. She stalked forward toward the seething black male coyote, failing to vitally notice the light of heedless deathlust simmering in his dark gaze, and instead sizing up the near identical situation of Brindlepup. She was a mother, and no pack feud was going to be allotted to kill an innocent pup in her sight. Her hackles twitched with a maternal rage she'd never known lingered in her heart, waiting to be awakened at a time of dire need. "Don't. You. Dare. Kill. This. Pup."~
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~Riptide could tangibly feel his strength draining onto the dirt along with his lifeblood. Attempting to rise would be stupidly pointless. The world swam before his eyes, and it was obvious that death was imminent. He hacked a ragged cough, spitting up blood in copious amounts. His mind occupied nothing but a saddened sense of pity. "I'm sorry," he wheezed after his retreating opponent, his chest quivering as the last of his reserves of strength were used. "No one should have to endure the grief--"
Riptide's body jerked and fell back to the dust, his head lolling between his clawless paws. The bloodied screams and wailing scents faded to nothingness;
Riptide was no more.~

~Dotpup froze up, her tendons as tense as icicles. Pain laced through her spine from where the male's jaws had clamped down, barely breaking skin. Anguish engulfed her as she snuck a glance to her left; her father's opponent had gone and left him.
He's dying. If not dead already.
Horror froze her up in its cruel entirety. Her world whirled into a multitude of spinning colors, and her head lightened- a debilitating combination of grief and pain threatening to black her out. "Father," she whimpered, her eyes dull with a grief one so young never should have to endure. "Riptide. Daddy." Hot tears spilled out from the corners of her eyes and wet her face. Her stomach boiled with nauseating grief and the temptation to vomit was almost unbearable.
She let out an eerily low moan, her gaze fixed on Brindlepup, squirming behind the massive paws of Coal.
To Dotpup, Coal was her only chance, her savior.
To the innocent coyote pup, the massive black wolf was a looming threat of elimination, contained barely in her shattering jaws.
The same for the coyote that held her captive. He was a vital father to one, a lethal captor to another.
Beneath the surface of a unhesitant murderer, the pulsating protective love for his pup was as obvious as the blood that pooled from every pelt.
Dotpup fell silent.
A strand of bloodied saliva dripped down and landed on her muzzle. Dotpup shivered with abhorrence.
She didn't want Brindlepup to die because of her. No matter what the pup's father had caused, Dotpup felt no bitter loathing toward Brindlepup herself. She was the only one who could fully understand what situation held Dotpup in its lethal jaws.
Nor did she want to die.
Death had already claimed too much.
All because of her.~

~Mink spun out of the den, finally realizing what Reed intended to do. She pushed hard on her paws, not having a single intention of letting Dotpup meet a suspicion that she couldn't voice. She swerved around a many a combat lingering on deadly and skidded to a halt as the most intense face-off of all came into view. A pained squeal filtered up into the air tinged with bloodred din. "Beta!" she snarled, not taking into consideration at all the repercussions of addressing her Beta so carelessly. She stalked forward toward the seething black male coyote, failing to vitally notice the light of heedless deathlust simmering in his dark gaze, and instead sizing up the near identical situation of Brindlepup. She was a mother, and no pack feud was going to be allotted to kill an innocent pup in her sight. Her hackles twitched with a maternal rage she'd never known lingered in her heart, waiting to be awakened at a time of dire need. "Don't. You. Dare. Kill. This. Pup."~
(I have to read every word of everything you post, even it if doesn't involve my character, just because I know it'll be so well written.)
Hawkeye yelped and slipped away from Hawk. He suddenly had a crazy idea and lunged toward Hawk's tail, biting it hard. But, as soon as Hawkeye bit Hawk's tail, he let go and slipped away, trying to get Hawk angry and therefore more likely to make mistakes.
Thunder snarled in pure anger and hatred at the canine. She pounced at him savagely but was cut short as a sudden forced slammed into her.

Nightfall stalked around, hidden by the trees. His pelt blended in with the shadows around him. He waited, waited for the most opportune moment to fight. Should I even participate in these pup games? Yes, I probably should since if I didn't I may as well be admitting I'm a coward. With a silent sigh, he hid in a bush and searched through the crowd for an opponent. His eyes stopped at Hawkeye and the other two wolves, Ah, let's go ruin those River packers' day just a bit more. I wouldn't want them to have easy prey. He strode through the trees and across the field, heading towards Hawkeye and the other two. As one of the wolves, Thunder, pounced at Hawkeye, Nightfall took that moment to crash into the she-wolf. He growled and bit into her flesh.

Thunder kicked him off and stood to her paws. She let out a viscous snarl and snapped at Nigtfall's face.
"You'll never win. If not by me, one day, you will lose this fight by the paws of another river packer."
She pounced at him, and snagged a chunk of flesh, tearing it from his body.
Pain washed over Nightfall but he refused to show weakness, "Shut your muzzle, wolf." He growled, killing this wolf was the only thing on his mind. He lunged at her, biting down on her lower leg, injuring it so it was only harder for her to fight. "You're only prey now." He growled sinisterly, blood dripping from his jaw.
Thunder ignored his comment and charged at him the best she could, biting down on his shoulder and pulling away more flesh. Then without missing a beat, she stalked around him and bit his tail, but not to hard as to cause any serious damage.

Nightfall held back a yelp when she bit his tail, This is not good. The odds are no longer in my favor in this fight and I will probably end up dead. None of my other pack members will know the difference if I disappear from the battle. He turned away, heading for the forest. "It was nice chatting with you, but I'm off to find a more worthy opponent." He said before disappearing into the forest once more.

"Coward." She said under her breath, debating whether or not she should chase after him but then remembered the canine from before. Hawkeye. She turned back to her original opponent. She stalked closer, although ignoring her limp.
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