>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

Rustling sounded from the far corner of the camp.Her green eye flittered open, her pupil's unnaturally thin.She drew in a sharp breath, Her pelt burning and her head throbbing uncontrollably.She felt like death itsself.Her eyes flittered around the camp, unable,to move her body.She realized no one was even in there own camps yet, they where still in Rip Pack Camp.Blood splattered and pooled around the camp, the dead out numbering the living by many.The black she–dog's pelt shuddered in unearthly pain as she drew in another gasp for air.Her eye lids shuttered, and it took everything in her to not let them close...Not.....Let....Them.....Go.Your...Strong.....S-Star....You can d-do this....Just...Don't close....Your...Eyes She fought against Death itself, like a elephant crushing her chest.She gasped, putting her feet on the ground, pulling herself up, her pelt shaking and twitching in pain.Her emerald eye's reflected the moonlight as her gaze flittering the clearing.Suddenly, something caught her eye.Birch, The white Alpha of River Pack, Flame, One of Rip Pack's best hunters, and a unknown white wolf-dog was clustered around something.She then saw a starry coyote.A....Spirt.But they where standing over something.Adrenaline flooded her pelt as she twisted her head to see who it was.If itweren't for the searing pain, she would have done a flip in the air. The great Demon of the Land's, The giant wolf who killed anyone ruthlessly, The great Dark Storm himself, Was dead.

Squrrielflight backed up.She stared at the pup, and then Cinder's pelt, Pup, Cinder, Pup, Cinder...Finally, the she-wolf spoke...


Merlin took a deep breath, nuzzling her pup,"Her name,"She murmured,"Is Cinder."
Cinderpup :3 :p

Cheese Grits stared silently at them. For someone who was always upbeat, a silent stare is normally childish. But not today. Where would they go too far? He new this couldn't be an ordinary family quarrel, there was to much fighting today, too much death. Perhaps these dogs wanted in on the death. He wondered if they were right about it just being a quarrel. So he chose to wait until the crucial moment to protect them from hurting each other. So he could show he was a trusting dog that could be trusted. So he waited. He knew he could put at end to this. But how?
I replied to that. Slate didn't feel like floating away so he skidded out of camp on his butt. :p

A sharp bark split through Storm camp. A dark gray outline jumped out of the tangling sticker bushes and fern leaves. "Listen you Fur-brained bags of prey bones, what you are doing is unacceptable and inappropriate during this time, do you hear me?" Eon snarled threateningly towards Kestrel and Slate. "I'm tired of your little shenanigans, especially when you decide to go play wif your wittle fwend after a day of utter destruction, and tens of lives lost. Your actions are unacceptable and you may absolutely NOT carry on for the rest of the day." She raised her head, keeping her piercing green eyes toward the two, then looking to the others. "This entire pack will remain silent in observance of the many life's lost tonight, you got that? If you have questions, ask them now. I don't want to hear a peep out of any of your worthless mouths!"
Slate slipped back into camp, his ears pinned to his head and his tail low. He looked up at Eon and nodded meekly, then quickly averted his gaze.

Many lifes.



We were all just scattered terds when we were children.
*Creates first profile quote*
Cheese Grits stared silently at them. For someone who was always upbeat, a silent stare is normally childish. But not today. Where would they go too far? He new this couldn't be an ordinary family quarrel, there was to much fighting today, too much death. Perhaps these dogs wanted in on the death. He wondered if they were right about it just being a quarrel. So he chose to wait until the crucial moment to protect them from hurting each other. So he could show he was a trusting dog that could be trusted. So he waited. He knew he could put at end to this. But how?
(Never mind, I finally understand.) Cheese Grits departed to camp too. He wondered if he really could do something about all this hate. He frowned, so the folds on his face sunk.
Hey... I'm sorry for being gone for so long... I think I might have to quit and again I'm sorry... I'm not sure yet but I think this the end, if i don't come back I'm sorry:hit
Hey... I'm sorry for being gone for so long... I think I might have to quit and again I'm sorry... I'm not sure yet but I think this the end, if i don't come back I'm sorry:hit

Magic! Aww no! :hit You have been an amazing RPer, you will be dearly missed! :hugs :(

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