>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

Ivypup pivoted to look Kestrel dead in the eye, as though he were dying and she was envisioning how many ways she could deem his death disgraceful to this psychotic society of controversial sovereignty because he landed on the wrong pebble. "Really, I need to know. Do you have a thing or something for dudes?
Because you've been staring at that depressed freeloading lump for pretty much the entire day waiting for him to inconvenience himself out of hopeless oblivion long enough to create an utterance."
Shadowfoot crawled out of his den to smell the fresh morning air, the ground was still cold from the fleeting night. Dew coated the thick brush that encircled Storm Pack. This was his first morning of being beta, he looked for any signs of movement from the other packmates. (Annnnnnd did Beta stuff I don't know what else to write.)
Eon skimmed through the pages of her "How to be an alpha" hand-guide and

Eon was laying flat on her belly, fidgeting with a pinecone that had fallen from one of the mighty towering conifers that rooted themselves around camp. She caught sight of Shadowfoot and huffed. Getting up on all fours, she stretched her legs and let out a yawn, proceeding to hop off the Reign Rock. Sauntering up to him, Eon asked "Do you know if anyone buried Dark Storm last night?"
Ivypup pivoted to look Kestrel dead in the eye, as though he were dying and she was envisioning how many ways she could deem his death disgraceful to this psychotic society of controversial sovereignty because he landed on the wrong pebble. "Really, I need to know. Do you have a thing or something for dudes?
Because you've been staring at that depressed freeloading lump for pretty much the entire day waiting for him to inconvenience himself out of hopeless oblivion long enough to create an utterance."
Kestrel squinted in challenging manner. His fur bristled and his ears were pointed upward nonchalantly. He leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. "How about you run along now and go dye a lock of your pretty fur bright red in your enemies' blood and drape it over your eyes like a curtain you self-absorbed little pup who never got her name because she wasn't important enough and never will be." He stated plainly.
Owl sighed forcefully, following in Scar's ostentatious wake. As she slid into a gliding crawl that lead her into grasses that graciously shielded her view of her companions, she couldn't help but feel an individualized pang of bitter disgust toward each of them. There wasn't a single coyote among this group that she wouldn't have a problem with dying here and now.
And when her mind came to Scar, something yet more aggressive came over her casual evaluation of their worth. Her lips jerked, longing to rebel into a snarl, but her resolve for streamlined silence keep it at discontented bay.
There was the obvious devoid half of leadership in this pack, and there was one coyote that posed an undeniable obstacle to Owl unopposedly attaining that position.
And that was Scar.
It was I that spent all those moons conspiring alongside Reed with that negligible rogue...
Her nostrils twitched as the welcome tang of rabbit greeted her.
...It was I who carried out all of those nefarious tasks; I who poisoned prey; I who laid trails; I who spread contaminated whispers; I who lied...
Noticing the wind to be in her favor, Owl's tendons bent her down into a stiff crouch. Ack, it was easy to force admission into her strangely consenting ego that her muscles needed the aide of supplemental practice.
...It was I who never once betrayed a single scent, instead, I covered his tracks with my own...
Jade butted in with a whisper "I smell a rabbit!" And proceded to trail it, because I feel she's been utterly useless so far.
Jade trotted after him.
Scar somehow read Jade's mind and proceeded to stare at her weirdly.
Owl sighed forcefully, following in Scar's ostentatious wake. As she slid into a gliding crawl that lead her into grasses that graciously shielded her view of her companions, she couldn't help but feel an individualized pang of bitter disgust toward each of them. There wasn't a single coyote among this group that she wouldn't have a problem with dying here and now.
And when her mind came to Scar, something yet more aggressive came over her casual evaluation of their worth. Her lips jerked, longing to rebel into a snarl, but her resolve for streamlined silence keep it at discontented bay.
There was the obvious devoid half of leadership in this pack, and there was one coyote that posed an undeniable obstacle to Owl unopposedly attaining that position.
And that was Scar.
It was I that spent all those moons conspiring alongside Reed with that negligible rogue...
Her nostrils twitched as the welcome tang of rabbit greeted her.
...It was I who carried out all of those nefarious tasks; I who poisoned prey; I who laid trails; I who spread contaminated whispers; I who lied...
Noticing the wind to be in her favor, Owl's tendons bent her down into a stiff crouch. Ack, it was easy to force admission into her strangely consenting ego that her muscles needed the aide of supplemental practice.
...It was I who never once betrayed a single scent, instead, I covered his tracks with my own...
Scar watched Owl for a moment out of the corner of her eye, then returned her focus to the path in front of her as the she-yote slid out of sight. Something about Owl made her feel uneasy. That slippery coyote always seems like she's planning something. Scar involuntarily shivered, then let out a huff of annoyance at her show of weakness.
Scar somehow read Jade's mind and proceeded to stare at her weirdly.

Scar watched Owl for a moment out of the corner of her eye, then returned her focus to the path in front of her as the she-yote slid out of sight. Something about Owl made her feel uneasy. That slippery coyote always seems like she's planning something. Scar involuntarily shivered, then let out a huff of annoyance at her show of weakness.
(Oh, he wasn't leading the group? :hmm :th)
Eon skimmed through the pages of her "How to be an alpha" hand-guide and

Eon was laying flat on her belly, fidgeting with a pinecone that had fallen from one of the mighty towering conifers that rooted themselves around camp. She caught sight of Shadowfoot and huffed. Getting up on all fours, she stretched her legs and let out a yawn, proceeding to hop off the Reign Rock. Sauntering up to him, Eon asked "Do you know if anyone buried Dark Storm last night?"

Kestrel squinted in challenging manner. His fur bristled and his ears were pointed upward nonchalantly. He leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. "How about you run along now and go dye a lock of your pretty fur bright red in your enemies' blood and drape it over your eyes like a curtain you self-absorbed little pup who never got her name because she wasn't important enough and never will be." He stated plainly.
"G'morning Alpha", Shadowfoot spoke his voice still raspy, "No I don't think so... We should though, he's starting to stink."

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