A little late, but. . .


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
I joined some time ago, but neglected to introduce myself. . .

I've been raising chickens for just over a year now. I have 4 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Barred Plymouth Rock, 2 EEs and a lone Golden Comet. I've also recently acquired 3 BBB poults and 3 Peking ducklings (turkeys were intentional, the ducks were given to me by my neighbor who thought it was a good idea to get ducks for Easter baskets >-<) Later this month I am expanding my flock and adding Golden Laced Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex, Blue Splash Maran (SUPER excited!) and Welsummer to the mix.

I live in a very rural area, on-top of a hill with 4-acres. I currently allow my girls to free-range (they are trained to go to their coop at night,) but will be changing that soon as 30+ chickens seems a little much to allow to just roam. (Thankfully, I have VERY understanding neighbors.)

My goal is to create a self-sustaining flock for a small commercial egg venture as well as creating a sustainable meat source for my family.

Current challenges are managing multiple flocks (would like to keep my Marans separate for breeding and obviously won't be mixing the turkeys with the chickens or either of them with the waterfowl) and bio-security with the variety of poultry I have. So, I suspect those subjects will be most of my discussions on here.

There it is. :) Happy to be here and look forward to learning more and getting to know all of you!
Also worth mentioning. . .

The Buff Orp. in my avatar is "Puppy Chicken." You'll probably see a few pics of her on here. If I am outside, she is right by my side. ALWAYS. Hence the name. Love, love, LOVE her. On our list of "which bird to eat first," she is a solid last. :)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Better late than never I always say!! Have loved reading through your introduction. You have a lovely mixed flock there. Wishing you the very best of luck with adding to your flock it would seem the chicken math has taken over.

Wishing you the very best of luck :frow
Welcome to BYC! So glad you joined. :) Sounds like you have a wonderful selection of breeds! Those are some of my favorites. Enjoy your flock!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to introduce yourself. I've raised Buff Orpingtons for years and they are one of the friendliest and most gentle breeds. My children, and now my granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) made lap pets of ours. Golden Comet is one of a number of labels under which some hatcheries market their Red Sex Links, and they are laying machines. You should get loads of eggs from that girl. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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