A little mystery chick with feathered legs. What could she be?


She's incredibly adorable!
I want one!!!!
My Mom and I were drooling over her photos.
She's gorgeous!
I've been watching her progress, she seems to have developed alot like my Mille Fleur D'Uccle pullet? She is absolutely gorgeous!
Would love to see some photos for comparison. She chirps loud and proud and will go beak to beak with our roo. For a little girl she acts big.
May be putting her (and three EE pullets) in with the two big girls and boy tomorrow. Still a little worried she may get picked on as she is the only bantam. They have seen a lot of each other while free ranging during the day. It seems the hens are a bit more nasty than the roo towards them.

I am so interested in the development of this chick. I have a 13 week old chicken that came as a "mystery chick" from McMurray. It has developed much slower than the other chickens but is huge so I know its not a bantam. Its feathers are still coming in where all of the others have been fully feathered for quite some time now. I went back over the McMurray website several times and I have been thinking that it is a Dark Brahma but the feathers on it's feet are way longer and fuller than the Lt. Brahma's that I have and like I said before he/she still isnt fully feathered. So far he/she is beautiful and the feathers it does have are dark and have a bluish/green sheen that is gorgeous. Orangey/yellow feet that are ginormously thick!! I don't have any pictures because our camera is broken and we havent had the time or money to replace it. I know it would help if I could get a pic posted. I just read all the Cochin posts and D'Uccle posts and just had to write about mine. Your chick is adorable and I love the puffy cheeks. I can't wait to see more pics as she grows up!!
This one also developed feathers much later than the EEs of the same age that she's growing up with. She only was completely covered this past week. The EEs have full tails and are twice her size. I'm concerned because she's the only bantam we have and she may never be bigger than a snack for a hawk. Hopefully the roo will protect her.
For those of you following this little chick here are some photos from today (9/24/11).



With an EE pullet the same age.


They are now integrated with our roo and two Cinnamon Queen hens.


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