A&M eggs... late hatch

Thank you everyone for the assistance. Got home from work, and still nothing.
TwoCrows, I forgot to mention, that when I candled, I did so in somewhat of a hurry. I wanted to minimize the amount of time that the eggs were without warmth. My daughter wanted to photograph the candling, but I told her that we would do that in future hatches. We saw either a solid egg where light did not penetrate, or an egg where the light shined straight through.

Edited to include info: The Incubator that I purchased had a candler included.
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James, it is hard to candle coturnix eggs. If you use a bright enough light, it can be done.

In the future, it is ok to keep an egg out of the incubator for a short period of time to candle or even get a pic. The eggs don't cool that fast and it won't hurt the growing embryo. Imagine in the wild when the mother bird gets off the nest for a few minutes for a drink of water or a bite to eat. She may be gone for over 5 mins.

If I were you, so you can figure out what may have gone wrong, in a few days, I would open up a few eggs and have a look see. That will tell you exactly what happened and when. Then you can avoid it on your next hatch.

Keep us posted on the progress either way.
Imagine my surprise this morning at 6am when my wife tells me that one egg is starting to pip! Before I could get out of the shower, the entire clan was already celebrating the arrival! Even my 6 year old was up and celebrating. My daughter was able to film the chick breaking out of its egg, so when I get home from work, I'll put up the video. Right now, the Mrs literally flew home on her lunch break to check on things, and she has reported that there is another egg that is starting to pip.

So, my 15 year old was right... they were lazy and just wanted to make a "grand entrance".

And, for those paying attention to my posts, I allowed my 2 kids to pick 2 eggs each... the first one to hatch was my daughters egg. I'm hoping one of my sons eggs hatches so he doesn't feel left out.
Imagine my surprise this morning at 6am when my wife tells me that one egg is starting to pip! Before I could get out of the shower, the entire clan was already celebrating the arrival! Even my 6 year old was up and celebrating. My daughter was able to film the chick breaking out of its egg, so when I get home from work, I'll put up the video. Right now, the Mrs literally flew home on her lunch break to check on things, and she has reported that there is another egg that is starting to pip.

So, my 15 year old was right... they were lazy and just wanted to make a "grand entrance".

And, for those paying attention to my posts, I allowed my 2 kids to pick 2 eggs each... the first one to hatch was my daughters egg. I'm hoping one of my sons eggs hatches so he doesn't feel left out.
great news!
That is cause for celebration James!! I am so glad for you. So it is safe to say that you need new thermometers. LOL

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Earlier, I reported that my wife saw another egg start to pip... apparently, that was incorrect. This evening just before dinner however, my daughter discovered that one of the eggs that my son picked out was starting to pip. Sure enough, the little fella has just made his grand entrance. Here is a video of the first hatch and photo trying to make it's way around the incubator. Immidiately after the egg hatched, we removed one of the thermometers that has a flat plastic base. I was worried that this chick would spraddle it's legs on the plastic.

90 seconds into the video, the little guy makes a big push!

My Daughters quail chick!

And my sons quail chick, right after arrival.
Great video James. Pretty amazing isn't it? Watching an egg turn into a living chick, getting to watch it hatch...it never gets old no matter how many times you see it happen.
Congrats! Very exciting isn't it. I'm glad they finally decided to zip and hatch and that atleast your son and daughters chosen eggs hatched too.

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