A new chick with two chics


Mar 19, 2016
Corpus Christi
Hello BYC. I am new to the group. I am a first time chicken ownerof two chicks. Romy and Michelle. I came across BYC in pintrest and I must say Thank Goodness! I got the chicks at 2 days old. I have had them 1 and 3 days. I have them in my kitchen in a brooder. (I made from the ideas i saw here) I am currently working on a chicken coop to put them in. In a couple of weeks. I know right now is too soon.

I have a small sized inside dog that the chickens have become quite fond of. But i have a cat that is waiting for any chance to make one of them a snack.

This maybe a silly question but is there anything i can do to train my cat? Or any suggestion on best ways to keep cats out of a coop.
Welcome to BYC. Most cats instinctively want to catch and kill small squeaky little things - don't trust the cat out of your sight. Electric fencing around your outside coop will protect against your cat and other mammalian predators.

x2 on sourland's comments...better to be careful than sorry.

Have fun with the chicks!
glad you have joined us.

Agree with the comments you have already received, don't trust a cat or dog around those baby chicks. Never trust any dog around any chicken. Once the chickens are full grown a cat will not be such a threat - but best to be careful. They are the bottom of the food chain and everything wants to kill or eat them -

Fortify their coop/run against all predators.

Expect to have the coop ready by the time they are 5-6 weeks old.
Usually chicks are not moved out to the coop before they are fully feathered out - unless you live in a warm climate. The best way to keep chicks/chickens safe, is never to allow them and pets to ever meet. If you have them in a broody please make sure it has a wire top that pets cannot nudge off.
Hi and welcome to BYC. You have some great advice already, so I will just say a big hello

All the best
Thank you everyone. I live in South Texas. We have the Hot humid weather. I made a screen top yesterday because they are starting get out of the box. Smart lil chickis. They flap and jump on the feeder, then the waterer, the tent and the to the edge of the box. The first 2 times i thought it was cute. But when they came strolling into my room i knew i had my hands full. My pup is still young in age and is usually very rough so i knew to keep him away. But it really does shock me how he is with them. When they start to chirp he will run across the house to check on them. They cry more when hes not in the kitchen actually. They have gotten out of the box, hopped on him and got very comfy. Haha

I think they think he is their mom. Is this normal?

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