A part-time broody duck?

My plan is to mark the eggs and remove some to avoid the population explosion we discussed. Then I will continue to remove the unmarked eggs........Next week I will candle and reassess.
Hopefully in 28 days we will have a happy event (or several) and 2 maternally fulfilled ducks happily leading the assorted brood around.
I will take pictures etc.

I did see the aust spotted drake (top duck) going after the call drake (bottom bottom bottom duck) with more energy than usual this am. If both aust spotted hens are setting then there is only the one call hen with the two drakes out and about. Could be interesting. Poor Crispy (call drake)
Keep us updated on progress.
Lastest update
Baba has retired from brooding, but is laying again
Daphne is seriously brooding
I candled the eggs she is sitting on an 8 had either good veins or were new and yolk only
Two were 1/2 dark without obvious veins
Could they be eggs that were started by Babs and then d/coed when she deserted the nest?

What do eggs look like when they are started but then neglected?

Unfortunately Babs new nest is not protected so her last 3 eggs have been broken during the day. To me it looks like they have been pecked. The run is secure from big predators but I suppose the 2x4 welded wire could have let in other birds

I’m glad for all the post! I have a duck that was doing the same thing and then went ahead and went broody, but all the eggs were dead. However when I went out tonight together eggs out of the nest beside her she was sitting on those legs and made it quite clear that she wasn’t interested in me getting them, I did pull the guinea eggs out Because none of them are fertile. I’m going to hope for the best and loader set on the other couple of eggs! Later gator.

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