A question for exercise/fitness people...

Chicky Joy

11 Years
Jun 22, 2008
I know this probably depends upon weight and other factors but, what is a good goal for the number of calories burned during a single workout (when working out on an almost daily basis)?
You're going to hate this....

"It depends"

Long and short what's your fitness goals? weightloss, toning, strength? how long do you have to get there? (is it need to fit into a size 8 wedding gown in June, or just a general "getting fit" goal?)

I shoot for 500 calories burned, but I keep in good condition as a dancer, on the flip side I eat a bit to fuel the workouts.
General weight loss/improved fitness. Truly, I'd like to lose 75lbs eventually. If I were to pick a time frame it would be 8-12 months or so. I'd also like to work out about five times a week. Right now I'm burning between 390-420 calories per workout.
I aim for 500 if I am truly exercising (set time aside to specifically exercise), but since I don't like exercising in that manner, I pick activities that burn high calories and I can keep going until I am exhausted (usually dancing, rollerblading (when I have the chance), and hiking).

edited since I was typing when you posted.
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if you are burning 390 - 420 now... then to bump it up to 500 wont be hard... park at the back of the parking lot instead of trying to find a nice close spot... and use the stairs as much as you can.

How are you coming up with your number of 390-420?.. if you have a larger muscle mass then the average bean ... for me.. the treadmill will only say 500 calories burned but in actual fact its more like 530 - 550 because i have larger then average muscles in my legs
I am using the Wii Fit Plus. It gives me the calories burned. I currently have my goal set at 390 but usually go over. I realize that this may not be 100% accurate but I do my best to do everything properly so it is as accurate as possible. I usually try to put a little extra effort into my workout so I can feel comfortable knowing that that is a good representation of the calories I have burned.
as long as you are burning more calories then you consume you will loose weight
You'll want to aim for losing 1-2 lbs a week (anything faster can lead to helth issues), so about 12-16 months. I lost 48 lbs 2 years ago, and have maintained it by some basic food tracking and 5 days a week workout. I still don't love to workout the way other people can (best part of the workout is the shower after).

I used the healthvault tracker at msn.com.
Bingo! Good to see some common sense here. I used to teach aerobics and resistance training. A great way to keep the weight off is to lose it slowly. A quick weight loss will shock the body into thinking you must be facing a famine! As a result your metabolism will slow down, using your calories more efficiently. This means that more of the calories you consume will be stored as fat! Ensuring that you will survive the famine!
The amount of calories you burn during a workout depends on the type of exercise you do, your body weight and the duration. Most people burn about 300 calories for every 20 mins of cardio if the energy level stays up. This is about the same amount as a small milkshake. Pick a type of exercise you really enjoy add some resistance and you'll be fine. Change things up a bit now and then to keep things from getting stale. Cardio does burn the most calories but for strength and sculpting you should add different types of exercise.
The best advice I can give someone just starting out? Take it slow at first and build from there, be sure to stretch before a workout (or just build speed up slowly) and cool down after! I've seen too many injuries from people who feel they have to give it everything they've got right off the bat and once you hurt yourself it's that much harder to face going back! Above all, HAVE FUN!!!
For myself, I just really try to fit in the workout, and not concern myself with the calories as much. For example, if I only have 10 minutes to run on my treadmill, I will do that rather then say to myself "well, I can't fit in my 400 calorie burn, so I won't bother." As a general goal, though, I try to "burn" between 300-500 calories per day in deliberate exercise, and I am a fit person. When I was loosing weight though, I found weight watchers very helpful and that was during a time in my life when I fit in no exercise at all (birth of my second child). I think really watching and balancing eating is even more important then exercise, and I love exercise.

A really great book and fun read is "Slow, Fat Triathlete: Live your athletic dreams in the body you have now" by Jayne Williams. She is so great at telling her story of how she came into doing this sport she loves despite being overweight, it is an inspiring book for anyone wanting motivation to exercise, whether or not they are interested in loosing weight.

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