A question of Royal Palm poults feathers

momma's chickens

11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
I picked up 5 of the cutest poults today and noticed some of the them have a little black on the end of their feathers and some of just pure white. The are 6 days old today. I was wondering if this means anything or if they will eventually get all the same feathers.
Imnot sure but it would be interesting to docaument how they do feather out and see if possibly the different wing tip colors may show male or female..
Six days is very young for Royal Palms to have black tips. I never saw any black on any of my poults until 1 to 2 months old.
Mine had little flecks and spots, but not a definite pattern until they started getting their second set of feathers. They're usually about 3 or 4 months old when they get those.
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poults should all be unform what ever breed they are going to be,( all the same) royal palm poults should have some dark markings but all unform on each poults, and as adults,all there feathers have black tip or penciled! most bird pictures I see hear are not pure bred royal palms not enough penciling , just cause there have white and black feathers does not a royal palm make!!!!!! tom!!!!
Royal Palm poults are yellow before they get their feathers, but when they get their first set, they can have spots or faint markings on the feathers, and they aren't necessarily uniform. How the bird feathers out as a chick doesn't necessarily reflect how the adult feathers will look. I've had more than one poult have a "dirty" appearance, only to feather out as a beautifully marked adult.

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