A random Star Wars poll...

Who do you like better?

  • Luke Skywalker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Han Solo

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
But then I'd have to add Chewbacca... and Obi Wan Kanobi... and a few of the Death Star commanders... I'm always going to forget someone.

how about R2-D2?
But then I'd have to add Chewbacca... and Obi Wan Kanobi... and a few of the Death Star commanders... I'm always going to forget someone.

how about R2-D2?

Exactly my point.
Huh??! I think you've got the wrong movie series. Spock is a Star Trek character, not Star Wars.

I liked the character of Anakin in The Phantom Menace, but by the time of The Attack of the Clones, he had become arrogant, willful and self-centered. In Revenge of the Sith, I saw nothing likable about him at all.

Luke is a great guy. He is constantly out of his depth, but he heroically flounders on, and only succeeds with the help of the force (I see the influence of a lot of religions in that!)

Han Solo starts out a money-grubbing outlaw, but loyalty to his friends redeems his mercenary tendencies.

I like Obi-wan best, though.

The thing that has always puzzled me, though, is how did George Lucas manage to tell such a crackin' good story, with such incredibly lame dialog?!

I think with Anakin, George Lucas was trying to set the stage for his turn to the dark side. Obviously it wouldn't be a happy, friendly guy that would suddenly turn evil. I think the inner turmoil that Anakin endured through the 3 movies he was in helped lay the groundwork for his drastic character change. To be sold into slavery, and then to learn you have a special gift and are faced with the enormous decision to say in slavery to be with your mom or go and develop this gift in a place where you will actually be treated like a human being again, that's a very hard thing to lay on a small child, even one as wise as Anakin was. Then to return to find your mother only to learn that she had been kidnapped? After learning that she had remarried and had step kids, kids that she raised instead of you? I can only imagine the inner turmoil over that. Unable to save his mother's life, his only joy was Padame. By the second movie I was able to finally move past the fact that she was suppose to be older than him by several years, and let myself enjoy the budding romance. By the third movie, I understood that the people influencing him were winning out over the influence his wife had, and though he still loved her, his entire point of view of the Federation had been warped, and by the point he realized it, it was too late. I very much enjoyed Hayden Christiansen as an actor. He portrayed Anakin as an angry, heavily conflicted young man expertly. I truly enjoyed Ewan McGregor's role as well. Losing his own master before his own training was over, and then having to take over Anakin's training, that couldn't have been easy, yet he did it with grace and dignity, and his was a character that I enjoyed immensely, and I felt that Ewan portrayed a young Obi Wan so well that personality wise, other than the age difference, he ties his role into the role of the older Obi Wan played by Alex Guinness very smoothly. I also found it easier to believe that Luke could be Anakin's son the way Anakin was played, which I know was George's intention. And Leia was meant to be more like her mother, level headed, intelligent, and a natural peacemaker. Luke was suppose to be like dad, hotheaded, stubborn, and impulsive. Kudos to George Lucas for finding wonderful actors, back in the 70's and early 80's, and again in this millennia. I enjoyed the movies very much.

I agree, the romance scenes between Anakin and Padme are just SO callow and cheesy!

I love Obi-wan's character and story arc from apprentice to warrior to mentor to old wise hermit.
I understand that Ewan McGregor wanted to make his depiction of Obi-wan meld as seamlessly as possible with Alec Guiness' character. He studied Alec Guiness' mannerisms and speech patterns, so that by the time they filmed Revenge of the Sith, what you are watching is more or less Ewan McGregor playing Alec Guiness playing Obi-wan!

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