A reminder of why we do meaties....


Redneck Tech Girl
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
...nom nom nom!!


One of this spring's birds.
Rubbed with olive oil, sprinkled with sea salt and fresh ground coarse pepper, some minced garlic, and some butter slid under the skin against the breast (because I love butter).

I do mine with lemon and pepper. I cut a lemon in half and rub it over the carcass as I squeeze the juice out. Thus moistened, the fresh coarse ground pepper sticks nicely, as does the salt, or anything else I feel like seasoning it up with.

The two halves of the lemon go into the cavity for roasting. Makes for a might tasty gravy.

Yum, yum!
That was a 7 week old Cornish X roo
This spring batch was from TSC, and therefore Townline Hatchery, 20% grower all the way through.

Needless to say, I was happy with the results (of the dozen, I think I may have one left after this guy). That's why I have 40 some in the coop right now

I didn't weigh this one, but most of them averaged about 5 to 5.5lbs, perfect for my family (including DH who eats like a horse).

I eat most of the skin and a leg/thigh, DH and DD eat most of the breast. I have enough left over for shredding tomorrow, probably make enchiladas this week. I still prefer the dark meat of a dual purpose type bird, but I like the skin on these a ton more. They give more meat, and I can do a lot with it.

I just plain like chicken

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