A sad end to my duck journey - food allergies


12 Years
Dec 18, 2011
North-Central PA
Hi All.

Yep, you read it right. I'm intolerant to duck eggs. How incredibly frustrating it is to have put all that time, money, and energy into beginning my flock, only to find, after eating a few eggs, that I don't do well with them. I've tried cooking them several different ways, took a 2 month break from all eggs, then tried duck eggs again, ate duck eggs one night and chicken eggs the next...all comes back to duck eggs not working for me.

After doing a bit of research, I've learned that many other people have similar sensitivities to duck eggs. My specific reactions are a mild case of asthma, mild heartburn, and a general feeling of malaise.

This article, brief though it is, provided the most valuable information: "We report a patient with an IgE-mediated allergy to egg white from duck and goose without hen egg allergy. Ovalbumin seems to be the responsible protein. The antigenic determinant of this protein seems to be specific of order Anseriforme and it is not present in the ovalbumin of order Galliforme." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10756237

This really stinks because I like my ducks. They make me smile, and are great for my garden. My set up is such, though, that I can only have a few birds, and they have to 'earn' their keep in eggs. This means I'm going to have to give my flock away, and start all over with chickens (which I don't particularly care for...they're too close in resemblance to their reptilian roots).

Completely and totally bummed in PA.

So sad. I don't know what I would do in a similar situation. Enjoy them while they are with you.

Not trying to be funny here. Maybe someone relatively close by will take them and allow you to visit.
Hi All.

Yep, you read it right. I'm intolerant to duck eggs. How incredibly frustrating it is to have put all that time, money, and energy into beginning my flock, only to find, after eating a few eggs, that I don't do well with them. I've tried cooking them several different ways, took a 2 month break from all eggs, then tried duck eggs again, ate duck eggs one night and chicken eggs the next...all comes back to duck eggs not working for me.

After doing a bit of research, I've learned that many other people have similar sensitivities to duck eggs. My specific reactions are a mild case of asthma, mild heartburn, and a general feeling of malaise.

This article, brief though it is, provided the most valuable information: "We report a patient with an IgE-mediated allergy to egg white from duck and goose without hen egg allergy. Ovalbumin seems to be the responsible protein. The antigenic determinant of this protein seems to be specific of order Anseriforme and it is not present in the ovalbumin of order Galliforme." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10756237

This really stinks because I like my ducks. They make me smile, and are great for my garden. My set up is such, though, that I can only have a few birds, and they have to 'earn' their keep in eggs. This means I'm going to have to give my flock away, and start all over with chickens (which I don't particularly care for...they're too close in resemblance to their reptilian roots).

Completely and totally bummed in PA.

Okay, you can't eat the eggs, but have you looked for an outlet to sell them instead? Bakers love them because of the loft they add to their cakes and stuff. Check and see if there is a farmer's market or Co-op in your area. Even a health food store may have an interest in home grown duck eggs. Just a thought if you really wanted to keep your birds. Like Amiga, I don't know what I would do. Who knows? Since I haven't used any of mine for eating, I may find myself in the same boat, but I know I'm not allergic to their meat.
If it was me I would replace my flock with Mandarins and call it a win.
Thanks, Haunted, for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I live in a rural area where there's not a wide market for such things. And, if I keep the ducks, I can't have chickens, which means I'd have to buy my eggs from someone else...so I'll have to rehome my flock.

I've decided to get a couple black australorps and a couple Rhode Island reds.
They also are small birds who lay small eggs and are hawk fodder if allowed to free range at all.
X 2. I have 2 Showgirls and a Silkie and other than them being very sweet little birds and a novelty, they really don't have much use. You'd need a lot of eggs to do anything with. These birds have never been outside on the ground since I've owned them. I wouldn't dare!
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