I'm bouncing around coop-building ideas with folks and wondered: since I read that chickens want all the light they can get, and I'm not sure how many windows my coop-to-be will have (a 4X4X4 coop, maybe), what about the roof? Initially I figured I'd get a white-painted metal roof so it wouldn't get so hot in summer. Then somebody told me a fiberglass roof would be less heat-absorbing/retaining. Now I'm thinking -- is it possible to use a transparent material (a plexiglass sort of thing) for that? Maybe it would be prohibitively expensive, or impractical or .....? Are there other options?
Re: heat, maybe a transparent material would let too much light into a coop and make it broil. If so, maybe a cloth/wood cover could be placed on it and anchored by stones? I'm just spitballing here; any ideas/anecdotes would be appreciated ....
For what it's worth: I expect the coop to be in an area of my garden which only gets direct sunlight in the afternoon. Weak in winter, and really intense in summer (here in eastern NC).
Re: heat, maybe a transparent material would let too much light into a coop and make it broil. If so, maybe a cloth/wood cover could be placed on it and anchored by stones? I'm just spitballing here; any ideas/anecdotes would be appreciated ....
For what it's worth: I expect the coop to be in an area of my garden which only gets direct sunlight in the afternoon. Weak in winter, and really intense in summer (here in eastern NC).