A video diary of my emu chicks

Twice I was greeted down the hallway by the chicks. They scampered with their little legs toward me when I left them secured in the safety of the laundry room. They were escaping! But how? I decided to find out. I moved a box into the kitchen and hid behind it quietly so that the chicks couldn't see me. Quietly I watched and waited. Soon enough the older chick made her move and it wasn't long before both chicks came tumbling out from between the dog gate bars. It was sadly adorable! A stuffed towel between the bars stopped them from a fourth attempt and soon the chicks will be durable enough to begin their big move to the great outdoors.
The emu and ostrich chick temporary pen. Next they'll move on to a round pen with fencing over the rails.
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Haha, yeah. They're kind of both together. Maybe the title should be changed to ostrich/emu video diary.
Moonjelly, They are so cute, we would love to hatch some eggs, haven't had any success naturally. Can I ask what sort of incubator you use?

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