A Week To Rival Black Friday


8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
Oswego County, NY
This week is full of releases on games, books, movies, ect. How many of us are waiting for one of these items and what are they? Let's see what's most popular, I'm guessing Skyrim and MW3, and the book Inheritance. I'm so glad Inheritance is finally out!!
I got my copy of Inheritance yesterday. I'm so happy about the series finally being over!

I don't think I'm looking forward to anything else this week.
I got it on my Nook and had it with me during school today, but I warned my teachers on Monday.
I've been waiting a year for this. Do you know which movies they've made?
I've been waiting about six years for this.
Good for you for getting it on your Nook, that'll save space on your bookshelf. I just got the abslutely massive hardcover and although it's quite a nice looking book, it's a wee bit awkward.
I'm a book-o-holic. I've got a tote of my dad's old fantasy to read, and a dozen novels for Battle of the Books, I'm trying to keep up with Rick Riordan's books, and I've got a big list of want-to-reads.
Oh, and I have short shelf that is 3 layers of books deep, but I've read those.
The Nook is nice, but I like the real books, especially old ones that are yellowed... not sure why.

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