A wobbly start!


May 16, 2016

I'm a new chicken keeper from NZ. I've built a slightly rickety but warm chicken coop and now we have four lovely 'chickens' to wander around the garden with us. I've been trawling through pictures of roosters and hens as I think my first flock of chickens are at least 50% roosters! I got them at about 10 weeks and have had them for a month. The kids will be so sad to have to get rid of the roosters if they are roosters! We have two barred plymouth rock and two orpingtons.

Okay, bye!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined the flock! It's a sad thing when our much loved chickens turn out to be roosters and we have to rehome them.
Hi :welcome Sarah

Glad you could join the flock! What a shame your birds could be Roos. I'm afraid it's the downside of buying them young and unsexed. I see you have posted in the what breed gender section, I'm sure members there will be able to help you.

Good luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Hi Sarah,

I'm new to this also and only found out a couple of weeks ago that one of my young hens was a rooster. The crowing in the early morning was a dead giveaway!! Luckily after a week of searching, I found a local farmer with 100 acres and 65 hens who was happy to give him a home. I'm sure with 65 hens to keep him amused, he hasn't given me a second a thought
. I reckon he's pretty happy!!

Please do post photos at "what breed or gender is this." Since your children are involved, I think you should get expert opinions before rehoming them

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