AAuuggghhh!! UPDATED with pics!

They look like leghorns to me too. If they have black at all they are California whites I think? I'll bet they will be good egg layers regardless:)
Oohh, I'm so excited!

They are all white, with light beak, comb and feet. Just like the one you see.
The only dark spots are where the blue-kote has stained the ends of a couple of their feathers.
Their feathers are very soft and and kinda fluffy.

I have a variety of breeds and colors, but never anything white. They'are gonna look so nice when they get integrated into the flock.
The rescue babies are growing and have started laying!
I was sure they were leghorn, first couple eggs were beautiful little white ones. However, my daughter found a larger light brown egg in the hay in our goat barn. Now I'm thinking White Rock is possible?
They have longer tail feathers and when they stand up they are tall with their tail feathers held high... which made me think Leghorn. Now I've learned that their ear lobe color is an indicator. What do you think?

The white eggs will be coming from the Leghorns, which most of them look to be. That "plumper" looking girl may be a white Rock. If you have one that's not as slender as the other, I'd bet she's laying the brown eggs. White eggs don't turn brown ;)
Your rescue ladies are looking fantastic, by the way!

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