About ready to scream.. RACCOONS.


9 Years
Sep 19, 2010
Langley, BC, Canada
So, my flock went from twenty, to 8, then back up to 18 when I bought some chickens.. then I had two hatch out with their momma.. and two nights ago, something ate those two, along with two others.. last night.. something ate my ROOSTER.

This is the rooster that has escaped a coyote massacre (he was one out of 4 chickens that survived out of 50...)

I know it's a raccoon, because we found where it was getting in, blocked it, and put flour all aroud then fence and found foot prints, then th next night our garbage was knocked over. Well now, we have a new can with a lid, and chickens are going missing.
I am SICK of THIS.
I have a 900sq ft run. The **** raccoon ripped open a chicken wire enclosure to pull a momma and her babies out a month ago. Covering it won't help..

What can I do that won't cost me a fortune?
I only have 7 adults left, 4 of which are on nests, in coops that my hubs built that are built with raccoon proof wire.

Can I electrify the fence?
Chicken wire stops nothing. Pretty much everything can get through chicken wire. Ditch it entirely and get hardware cloth if you can or they will keep getting in. You can add a hot wire to the fence which will definitely help!

If they are all in raccoon proof wire now, where is the coon getting in?
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Basically my run is 900sq ft, with tree's in it. The Mama's on nests, are in completely enclosed areas.

The raccoon was getting in under the fence before.. but I have no idea where it's getting in now - probably climbing.
I'm VERY surprised it ate my rooster :(

How do I hot wire the fence?
From what I've been told - the raccoon is a nursing female...
and it's illegal to relocate.. so would it be illegal to kill?
my hubs would have to do it, he's the hunter.
From what I've been told - the raccoon is a nursing female...
and it's illegal to relocate.. so would it be illegal to kill?
my hubs would have to do it, he's the hunter.
Don't know laws in Canada, so can't answer that one. If coon is digging under, you'll need a skirt - either run fence skirt a few feet out from coop or dig trench and bury wire. For hot wires, you need a charger, fence wire, insulators. Plug in charger, use the insulators to attach everything, zap zap. Ok, there's more than that, but that's essentially it. :) I hear raccoons like marshmallows in their traps. :)

Oh, and if it's climbing the fence you're going to have to fix the top of the run/coop so he can't get in. possibly high up hot wire also would help. :)
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My friend had the same problem and I helped. Get a trap that won't hurt them and use like processed chicken and use some of it as bait then after you catch one take it to a forest far away

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