About to build our ducklings a coop - need suggestions


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
Upperco, MD
I was browsing through the "Lets see your duck coop" thread and wow some of them are so nice! We have 7 mallard ducklings that are already getting to big for their terrarium that we started them in. They are around 3 weeks now. Crazy that they tripled in size since we got them.

I need suggestions on sizing, outdoor flooring (Ive seen people with pond rocks) and anything else. We have a kiddie pool that I planned on giving them, but we also have one of those black pond bases that you dig out the ground and place them in, left over from a old pond. I hear that they are really hard to keep clean because of all the poo and I know the kiddie pool can easily be dumped and re-filled, no filter.

Also what kind of waterer should I have? I have a regular poultry waterer but I am refilling it 3 x a day and their bedding is getting SOAKED. Like a pool of water from them playing in it. I was thinking of getting a glavanized bucket and clipping it to the side of the coop like I do for one of my chicken coops. They cant play in it that way and it's deep enough for them to get their bills wet.

Thanks for any advice and suggestions, I am new to the duck world as these guys just sprang upon us!
Here's the almost completed new duck mansion at our house. Since we are going from 2 to 5, we needed to upgrade in size from the Lowe's dog house kit.

New one is 3' wide by 6' long by ~5' high at the top of the roof.
Currently there is a ridge vent in the roof and venting at the soffits. We'll add in a couple of windows as well (hardware cloth)

Provided them water inside over hardware cloth. There are thin gaps in the flooring, so probably didn't need to do the hardware cloth, but I had it, so why not.
Nice! Now did you use some type of deckng material on the bottom? And also, do you live in a climate that the hole for water will create any issue with cold air blowing in in the winter?

I have heard mold can be a problem with ducks, how do you keep that away? Do I need to change bedding everyday?
My birds free range so that plays a role in my housing set-up..

Anyhow, ours is a mini barn put up on industrial skids and we have added rubber stall mats to the floor in addition to our bedding(shavings)

That is a side view.. the barn has 3 windows total.. the other side is the same BUT we are adding an addition as we are "expecting" lol and will be keeping a few hens if we are given any.

This is an inside shot, we actually reno'd yesterday and added boarding underneath that shelf.. nest boxes essentially that are not shown with this pic, as i have another broody.

My water i mainly use rubber livestock bowls however due to our mainly cold climate i have a heated water bucket in the barn right now.

Your housing depends a lot on where you live, whether the birds are penned and how many and type of duck.. mine are all Muscovy so they like to "roost" each morning most of the birds are up on that shelf or on the large nesting box.

All my windows are lined with hardware cloth, screwed w/washer you can sorta see that in the inside shot. We built as we went, no plan and have mainly used recycled materials, all the windows are antique, the door is also solid wood..old, salvaged... the barn board siding re-used... the skids it sits on were free too.
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I like that you used recycled, we did too, our son worked in construction and brought us loads of boards that were going to be dumped. So a new duck house was created. since i have 2 drakes and a gander I opted for stalls with hardware on top to keep the boys in their rooms till
let out in the mornings. will get pics.
I really like the way TLWR did the watering set up. good job. Mine don't get food and drink inside.
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