About to order chicks, grobel plus-b supplement?

Counting chickens

6 Years
Jan 2, 2018
South of Waco...
The hatchery that I'm ordering from offers an option of getting Grogel plus b supplement.
Says that they send enough for 100 chicks. I'm probably getting 10.
Is this a good supplement?
Is it a waste with so few chicks?
Ready, Set...
Are they putting it in the shipping box for the chicks to eat during shipment? or are they trying to sell it to you for you to feed to your chicks after you get them? If the latter, IMO, it's a waste of money. What I would recommend is this: Poultry Nutri-Drench. You can get it at your local feed store. It's an absolute must IMO when starting chicks. Every chick that passes through my hands gets it for the first 2 weeks. This includes chicks which are suffering shipping stress, and I'm trying to save their lives. AND, it includes the chicks that are hatched from my own flock. They kick their way out of the shells, then proceed to climb the bator walls, and use the unhatched eggs for soccer balls and diving platforms. PND is especially important for chicks that have been shipped. Occasionally, their little bodies are so depleted that they have no reserve strength for their guts to kick into action and absorb nutrients. This is called "starve out". Such a chick, even in the presence of water and feed simply fails to eat and process enough to enable her to get established. She is often labeled a "failure to thrive" chick, and ends up dying. PND, and sugar water often saves a lot of these chicks.

You can also save your money on the packets of Sav-A-Chick electrolytes. You can make your own. (salt, baking soda, sugar, water. Flavoring is optional) Sav-A-Chick probiotics are slightly less of a non essential wallet drain. Useful product, but you can do just as well by giving your chicks a plug of sod and some fermented feed.

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