Abscess below vent or just poop PICTURE ADDED

Rubbing Alchol burns like fire and isn't really good to put on 'open' wounds. Plain water would be better to clense with than alcohol and then your poly. If it is a very shallow wound I would just leave it open to air dry and scab up.
Alcohol most likely it could be painful. You could dilute iodine to a 'tea' color and apply it or use betadine. But I think only using the polysporin til it heals will be just fine. Edited...I wouldnt leave it open without the polysporin on it, it will deter flies.
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Rubbing alcohol is definitely and no no. Imagine you having an open sore and putting salt on it. You can use betadine or iodine diluted: 1 part betatine or iodine and 10 parts water.

I'm glad you were able to get the poop off.

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