Access to nesting boxes?

Your nests are nice and low in the coop. So you will not likely have them want to sleep in them at night. Not sure how old the hens are but I would block off those nests until the hens are around Point of Lay. Usually you will see the signs. Squatting, Very bright red combs, Noisy, interest in nest boxes. Sometimes it happens around 18 weeks sometimes 20 sometimes 30 weeks. You get the idea. I would really start looking for the signs around 20 weeks. Personally I would open up the nests after they are 16 weeks old and place some golf balls in them to show them what they are for.

Wish ya the best.
Since you don't have older hens that need the box you can wait until one starts laying to set up the nest box. You'll know when its time because the hen will sing her egg song, usually loud and long, especially with the first few eggs.

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